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Fran's not cross

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It doesn't prove he crossed himself at all or am I looking at the wrong photo?


If you look at the photo after that one Gav it appears that his hand is on the other side of his chest. When taken together the two pics could look like he was crossing himself. However it would be a BIG leap of faith to say that with any authority. Looks to me like hw probably was crossing himself but that he was trying to conceal it as much as he could. Again though, even my take on it is a leap of faith.


So I agree, it really doesnt PROVE that he was crossing himself - it could look like any number of things, including him telling a team-mate to switch wings :D


Either way, I dont really care if players cross themselves when entering the field of play. I dont really care what religion they are so long as they give their all for Rangers.

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As did Amato I believe?


And Vdmar and I'm sure there was someone else more recently plus ore that I haven't noticed. . It's happened a lot and the vast majority don't bat n eyelid.


I'd prefer that they didn't as I don't see the need for them to do it but it's very low down my list of priorities of how I want our players to behave.

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I don't have a problem with it, although I must say that I don't understand why players do it. I could understand a part-time player doing it if his day job was a priest and I could understand a player doing it just before jumping out of a plane for a charity skydive, but I don't understand them doing it before walking on a football pitch or after scoring a goal. It just makes no sense to me.

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I don't have a problem with it, although I must say that I don't understand why players do it. I could understand a part-time player doing it if his day job was a priest and I could understand a player doing it just before jumping out of a plane for a charity skydive, but I don't understand them doing it before walking on a football pitch or after scoring a goal. It just makes no sense to me.


I think it is called superstition. They believe it helps them so I see no problem in it. It hurts nobody that doesn't want to be hurt by it, so let them do it.

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I think it is called superstition. They believe it helps them so I see no problem in it. It hurts nobody that doesn't want to be hurt by it, so let them do it.


Hey pete, if they want to believe in mumbo jumbo, that's their prerogative! :D

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