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I predict a riot - Green blasts United ticket sales plan

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I had a bit of a set to with Chris about green also, next minute I'm history. Every site I've been on is pro green, and go too far against it and you're gone. I dont mind people saying I'm talking pish, but banning people for an opinion on an important matter is just wrong.


Maybe the fact that your argument comes across as just hatred towards Green instead of actually anything else might have something to do with it.


I'm still unsure about anybody who runs our club, but I'm willing to give them a chance and paying dividends and bonuses is the way of the world.


If you do a good job you deserve to be rewarded, his job is to generate money for Rangers he's done that.

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Folks, I need to remind you that we don't permit bad mouthing other Gers sites here. There are many members visiting here who visit all of the other forums too, some visit FF, some RM, some both, some VB or DTB etc etc etc, so it's simply not acceptable to slag any of them off on here.

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Maybe the fact that your argument comes across as just hatred towards Green instead of actually anything else might have something to do with it.


I'm still unsure about anybody who runs our club, but I'm willing to give them a chance and paying dividends and bonuses is the way of the world.


If you do a good job you deserve to be rewarded, his job is to generate money for Rangers he's done that.

This place is at best 50-50 on Green, i'd go as far as saying there's probably more members skeptical about him.


If you're annoying a lot of people you need to consider that it's the tone of how you're putting yourself across rather simply a case of opinion not being welcome.

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Surely that's up to Twat Arse Thompson to donate his clubs share of a replay to a charity.


I dont know how you come to that conclusion. It's only ever been green thats talked about giving money to charity. Lets see him commit any replay receipts to the same charity if it's not about the money. It's easy to be the big shot when it wont cost you much eh.

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I dont know how you come to that conclusion. It's only ever been green thats talked about giving money to charity. Lets see him commit any replay receipts to the same charity if it's not about the money. It's easy to be the big shot when it wont cost you much eh.


We're not getting the minority of the split for a home game are we? FFS.

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I dont know how you come to that conclusion. It's only ever been green thats talked about giving money to charity. Lets see him commit any replay receipts to the same charity if it's not about the money. It's easy to be the big shot when it wont cost you much eh.


Why should he donate the money that Rangers fans have paid, the whole point was no Rangers fans are going so he didn't want the money to go to the club.


What's wrong with that, you can get blinded by hatred you know and make things out to be something different.

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You can also get blinded that all green does and says is right. He's got this one badly wrong in my opinion. Back in the spl, I can kind of understand because the home side keeps all the money, but not for a cup game. I stick by my opinion that dragging a charity into it was lacking class and dignity.

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I dont know how you come to that conclusion. It's only ever been green thats talked about giving money to charity. Lets see him commit any replay receipts to the same charity if it's not about the money. It's easy to be the big shot when it wont cost you much eh.


Green has made the gesture because we won't have any fans at the game but are due a cut of the total money raised from the game,he therefore has decided that we should not profit ,why would we give over our cut off any replay receipts when Ibrox will be full of our supporters.Your hatred for green is blinding you and to be honest he is going to be here for a while so for your sanity maybe you should forget about football and take up knitting

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You can also get blinded that all green does and says is right. He's got this one badly wrong in my opinion. Back in the spl, I can kind of understand because the home side keeps all the money, but not for a cup game. I stick by my opinion that dragging a charity into it was lacking class and dignity.


Green's farts will lack class and dignity in your eyes.

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