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Fans Slow On Uptake Of Gers Shares

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  der Berliner said:
That's the doomesday scenario. I doubt that Sheffield were in the same position as we are now ... or essentially come anywhere close to what sort of opportunity Rangers FC shares will hand to investors. The one thing with these models of selling up and riding into the sunset is: you have to find someone willing to buy these share. Unless I am mistaken, our status and those people attracted to us have not really changed. Maybe, in 4 years time or so, Walter can get Ian McColl back in and take the club over. (Not very likely ... )


The thing is, it doest really matter what the share price does, even if it drops to say half the current price, green, ahmad and the original investors will still make a killiing, seeing as they got the shares for next to nothing. The problem with being listed, is any new investment will go to them, and not to the club. This is the main reason that a lot of football "companies" eventually de-list. After this share issue, it is almost impossible to get new capital into the club, which will leave us with only our usual income streams. This as we all know isn't enough to compete for what will probably be a single CL place. It's absolute madness from the teams point of view to get all this capital now, when we wont be spending it on players.


Greens business plan makes no sense from a supporters POV, it's all about making him and his buddies rich(er). We will all get a shock when we are back in the spl, and heading to the piggerry with KK still spearheading our attack. What a thought that is.

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  ComeOffit said:
Only an idiot would have the deadline to buy a week before christmas, and Green might be a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them. Which begs the question of why the rush? Do we have cash flow problems, in light of having no borrowing facilities? Does he not want fans to have too many shares/voting rights?


Even delaying it for a few more weeks would have seen a much bigger uptake, but i'm sure he has his reasons. I just doubt his reasons are for our benefit.


This has been my thinking since it was announced, why ask for money at this time of year, especially when it can't be paid in instalments.

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Just a wee point of comparison....


The Hearts share offer runs until the 19th, and has been running a few weeks longer than the RFC scheme. I read a report stating that only have the allocation had been bought so far - about £800k raised so far. For Hearts the cash that this brings in is absolutely vital to the survival of the club, yet the fans are not digging deep.


OK, we are doing things on a grander scale than Hearts, but we're still talking about bringing in significant sums of cash.....

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  the gunslinger said:
Fergus really engaged the celtc support. you could go along and talk to him about it. you could pay it up and as stated he stressed the money was to save the club and was clear about his plans for getting them back on top.


That was the first of several equity issues they've had, I suspect we're travelling down the very same road but without a Sugar Daddy underwriting them.

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Okay .... here is the case for the defence ......


I don't think the institutional investors would be putting money into Rangers if they did not think we were a good bet. Neither do they think that Green & Co. are about to do a runner. They will have done their research. Rangers are a classic turnaround ... a great brand with a very large following but which has been mismanaged into the ground. There is a ton of 'low hanging fruit' which can be turned into cash .... e.g. merchandise, catering, hospitality, media rights .... all it takes is decent management. All that limits the downside for the investors.


And then there is the upside potential ..... the big bet ..... Suppose European football reconstruction does come in the next 5 to 10 years. If Rangers were in the EPL we would be worth what a Man Utd. or Chelsea is worth. In a European league we might be worth half that. But it is still 10 times what we are worth today. That is huge upside potential.


The institutions aren't stupid. They see value and I am sure that Green and his original investors see it too.


And the good news for us ..... to make a ton of money they need to make us succesfull at home and in Europe. And we want that too.

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I think that's all very fair bossy.


Of course, such investors make money off the back of risks so it's probably also fair to say investing in Rangers is a gamble.


Generally speaking I'm pretty happy with the money Green has raised for this issue and if we do reach around £3million from the fans as well, then that's pretty good going considering all the various factors.

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I read the prospectus last night - it only arrived on Saturday, probably due to the Christmas post.

With a wee bit of cutting back, I could certainly invest. But I won't.

Salaries of 350k plus are objectionable to me. Never mind options.

As long as fat cats line their pockets I'm out of the picture.

I'll save my money for when Rangers really need it.

Not when the directors need it.

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  bluebear54 said:
I read the prospectus last night - it only arrived on Saturday, probably due to the Christmas post.

With a wee bit of cutting back, I could certainly invest. But I won't.

Salaries of 350k plus are objectionable to me. Never mind options.

As long as fat cats line their pockets I'm out of the picture.

I'll save my money for when Rangers really need it.

Not when the directors need it.

Seems a bit of a contradiction considering all the IPO money is staying in the club. Will you not go to matches on this same basis?


And what's the difference between directors being overpaid and players and coaches being overpaid? The wages footballers are on seem far more objectionable to me but it is what it is.

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