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Sixty-seven players 'in legal action' over Rangers contract transfer

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Sixty-seven players 'in legal action' over Rangers contract transfer


STV 10 December 2012 17:08 GMT




29629-ibrox-stadium.jpgLegal action: Rangers released details of the claims in their share proposal.© SNS Group

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Sixty-seven players are involved in legal action against Rangers over the handling of their contracts.

PFA Scotland has raised an employment tribunal claim, which Rangers say is on behalf of 67 unnamed players, relating to a failure "to inform and consult".

The action relates to the transfer of player contracts between the oldco and newco Rangers following the sale of the club's assets to Charles Green's consortium.

In addition, three former players Sone Aluko, Kyle Lafferty and Jamie Ness are taking Rangers to a separate employment tribunal over the circumstances that led to them leaving the club, citing "constructive dismissal".

STV understands both claims have been lodged with HM Courts and Tribunal Service in Glasgow, though no dates for hearings have yet been set.

A consortium of businessmen led by Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers old company while it was in the hands of administrators. Player contracts were transferred to the new company under TUPE legislation when Mr Greenâ??s consortium took control of the club.

However, several first team players refused to transfer their contracts and left for other clubs, a matter which has been taken to the Scottish Football Association for arbitration and will be heard next year.

Details of the claims being raised were detailed in a share prospectus issued by Rangers ahead of their stock market flotation.

In the prospectus, the Ibrox club challenged PFA Scotlandâ??s right to bring a claim on behalf of 67 players and said it wants a pre-tribunal hearing to dismiss their claim.

Rangers also said that they will defend the separate claim by Aluko, Lafferty and Ness.

The share proposal also states: "They claim constructive dismissal. [Rangers Football Club Ltd] has challenged the right of these players to bring such claims for a number of separate jurisdictional reasons, but in any event these are low value claims."

Rangers believe the claims have been made "for tactical purposes" relating to the dispute over the transfer of their registration which the Scottish FA arbitration is to settle.


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