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Utd Boycott

Guest Broxibear

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I do wonder though if we drew the BHEASTS @ the piggery would the Rangers fans boycotted?, and indeed would CG have backed it?


Surely we should not listen to all the media hype about us boycotting Parkhead. Our supporters will decide who and when we boycott, not second rank journalists. The best way to get the Tims back in my view would be to refuse them tickets for any Ibrox cup game as we would still fill the stands. We would still have to give them money but would starve them of any support.

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Surely we should not listen to all the media hype about us boycotting Parkhead. Our supporters will decide who and when we boycott, not second rank journalists. The best way to get the Tims back in my view would be to refuse them tickets for any Ibrox cup game as we would still fill the stands. We would still have to give them money but would starve them of any support.


Who suggested journalists would decide?,not me!.

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I do wonder though if we drew the BHEASTS @ the piggery would the Rangers fans boycotted?, and indeed would CG have backed it?


There wouldn't be the same impact.


They'd fill their sty-dium if they played us, and they're not short of money anyway.

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There wouldn't be the same impact.


They'd fill their sty-dium if they played us, and they're not short of money anyway.




It is till a question to our fans though, would they boycott the piggery if we had drawn them?, just wondering.

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Who suggested journalists would decide?,not me!.


Sorry i wasn't getting at you personally Ian but English and Keevins etc have been pressing that point. That is what I was getting at. We would not hurt Celtic by not going to the piggery we would just let them fill the stands so what would the point be in boycotting the game, we would only hurt our club. We have to hit the tims in another way, if possible.

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Surely we should not listen to all the media hype about us boycotting Parkhead. Our supporters will decide who and when we boycott, not second rank journalists. The best way to get the Tims back in my view would be to refuse them tickets for any Ibrox cup game as we would still fill the stands. We would still have to give them money but would starve them of any support.


You hav to offer them a certain minimum of tickets I believe

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