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Rangers share offer prospectus (PDF) 122pages.

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FS, you be as angst ridden as you feel the need to be. I think it would be good to have somewhat polar opposite spins on the prospectus, and it would certainly create emotive responses.


Looking forward to you gents producing articles :D

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How angst ridden can you handle?.....:D


Like Craig says, it would be great to get a variety of articles looking at it from different perspectives, so if you fancy writing something just go for it!

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We should have TWO articles on it, possibly THREE....


1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Balanced


I am sure we could pick folks for all 3. Forlanssister, any interest ? STB, any interest ? Comeoffit, this seems something you are emotionally attached to as well.


Would be interesting to see a few articles for the main site on this !


I like your train of thought Craig. Yes, there's a surge of good vibes amongst the support despite everything that's happened because the club being under attack is bringing us together, but we shouldn't be scared to voice our opinions on the new owners or the share issue in this case, even if it's not positive opinion.

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One thing I think we'd all agree on is that the decision to invest has to be largely about people's own individual financial circumstances, however good or bad the prospectus us.


I don't completely agree with that. A good example is Bluedell who basically said earlier in the thread that he'll probably only invest the minimum amount because of certain aspects of the prospectus and the way it's all being structured at the club. I think there's going to be a lot of people like that, who would probably have invested above the minimum amount, but decide to hold back because they don't feel 100% comfortable with making a larger investment.

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I don't completely agree with that. A good example is Bluedell who basically said earlier in the thread that he'll probably only invest the minimum amount because of certain aspects of the prospectus and the way it's all being structured at the club. I think there's going to be a lot of people like that, who would probably have invested above the minimum amount, but decide to hold back because they don't feel 100% comfortable with making a larger investment.
Of course, I meant people have to consider their finances first and foremost.
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This is almost slander, lol. I had many a debate with you without insulting you, and many other posters. People like you provide the balance in these situations, no need for it to come from my side. I rarely state my opinion as the truth, but I might state the truth, as the truth. Sadly this doesnt go down too well with the hard of thinking.


Got to disagree - one of your first posts stated opinion as truth and came across as arrogant to me, and I've never come across you before...

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Got to disagree - one of your first posts stated opinion as truth and came across as arrogant to me, and I've never come across you before...


I did say I "rarely" state my opinion as truth, I didnt say it never happens. It's not arrogant if i'm happy to stand corrected, which i am if you point out my misdemeanour. The problem when you are a little anti-Green, is you sometimes have to be more forceful than his admirers to get your point across.

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