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Tom O'Neill Leaves Falkirk (Rangers Related)

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  der Berliner said:
Now it is getting strange. kuznetzov uses the word for "Roman Catholic", i.e. "Tim". I simply used the correct synonym for this West Central Scotland / Ulster word. Now you tell me I am arrogant for assuming that kuznetzov meant Catholic (i.e. the correct word) rather than Celtic employee/player/fan/you name it ? For YOU knew instantly what HE meant? Wow ...


Kuznetov himself denies your assumption yet you persist in claiming you know better what he meant than him himself if that's not a textbook display of arrogance what is?

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Some will use tim to mean Celtic supporting catholic, some will just mean a Celtic supporter.


Same with fen!an and same with hun and more.


It's all subjective and related to context - in this case I'm inclined to think Kutz simply meant a Celtic fan.


Let's move on please. :)

Edited by Frankie
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I never thought "Tim" meant Catholic. I always knew the Tim Molloy origin and that celtic supporters at the time styled themselves as Timalloys even though not actually members of the hoodlum gang. It just so happens that most celtic fans are nominally RC but I would never call an RC with no allegiance to celtic.


For example Archbishop Conti was never a Tim. The Cardinal guy whose name I've forgotten most certainly was.

Edited by Scott7
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  Frankie said:
Some will use tim to mean Celtic supporting catholic, some will just mean a Celtic supporter.


Same with fen!an and same with hun and more.


It's all subjective and related to context - in this case I'm inclined to think Kutz simply meant a Celtic fan.


Let's move on please. :)


What smacks me is the uproar created by forlanssister. I simply gave/used a well-known and official explanation for the word "Tim". That is what I simply assumed kuznetzov meant. Yet the latter comes back at me with "ridiculous" and "stupid" stuff while forlanssister call me "arrogant" for assuming/giving the actual meaning? I even gave the explanation and still fs persists with his arrogance claims. Will move on, but it really makes you wonder ...

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everyones life experience is different and shapes their perception. like fs most of the yahoos I know are Baptists not catholic. I've called them ******s and tims because they support celtc, no other reason.


now I've settled on Yahoo's as it describes them perfectly.

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Calling dB ridiculous or stupid for thinking that Kuznetsov *may* have meant catholic is completely out of order.


Face facts; there is *still* a sizeable swathe of our support who *are* bigoted and for whom celtic fans and Catholics are one and the same and who use the term Tim to mean either, interchangeably.


I'm not for a moment saying that Kuz is doing so, or that Kuz is in any way bigoted (nothing he has ever posted would make me think that) , but the post to which dB refers is phrased in such a way that it *could* be taken as such.


So people who are having a pop at dB should take a deep breath and have a wee word with themselves.


forlans sister? Well, I could give my opinion on him but I'd be banned from the forum - as I think it would breach at least one of the house rules;).

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Calling dB ridiculous or stupid for thinking that Kuznetsov *may* have meant catholic is completely out of order.


Face facts; there is *still* a sizeable swathe of our support who *are* bigoted and for whom celtic fans and Catholics are one and the same and who use the term Tim to mean either, interchangeably.


I'm not for a moment saying that Kuz is doing so, or that Kuz is in any way bigoted (nothing he has ever posted would make me think that) , but the post to which dB refers is phrased in such a way that it *could* be taken as such.


So people who are having a pop at dB should take a deep breath and have a wee word with themselves.


forlans sister? Well, I could give my opinion on him but I'd be banned from the forum - as I think it would breach at least one of the house rules;).

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  The Real PapaBear said:


forlans sister? Well, I could give my opinion on him but I'd be banned from the forum - as I think it would breach at least one of the house rules;).


Awwhh don't be so shy, say what you mean no need to cosey toe round it.

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tim does not mean catholic at all. i have been almost 40 years in glasgow. tarrier, f3nian or t@ig on the other hand, may. tim is a nickname for a celtic fan, it always has been where i grew up, religion was never an issue wherever that word was used.


berliner, i dont know where you found that description but i do not agree with it.

Edited by kuznetsov
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