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CRO reporting that RTC blogger was arrested

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Interesting if true.


5 December 2012RTC knocked back or locked up?


In the midst of the dozens of emails and conversations we have during a day some things get jumbled, especially whilst six sheets to the wind late at night. It was brought to our attention via the 37-year-old man himself originally mentioned and our source that we're fucking bawbags when it comes to taking notes. The story below has been amended accordingly whilst under the influence of coffee:


By Shane Nicholson | CRO Executive Editor


Late last night (or early morning if you're 95% of our readers) there was an interesting message waiting for me when I returned to my desk from the kitchen, one that summed up a great many lessons we've learned about the Skiddish media in the fallout of the FTTT and the collapse of their primary source, the discredited Rangers Tax Case blog. Most importantly, it was one from a trusted source.


I'll lay out the facts as presented in the simplest terms possible, so as to avoid muddling what was relayed our way:


An arrest made around 21-23 November was the Rangers Tax Case blogger.


The media has focused on a separate arrest connected to the disgraced site, and a couple days later paired it with the story that David Murray was going to hunt down the leaks. They were willing to report this man's every anonymous word but not his name upon his being taken in by Strathclyde's finest. Yes, some of them know, and they're not reporting it.


Oh, and there's the little bit about how he works for either HMRC or the Tribunal Service.


Hopefully that narrows down the shortlist for some of you. Might go a ways to explaining why that wee site was wiped clean within hours and the Twitter fell suddenly silent.


Still haven't signed that petition? You may be running out of time.


Hell, we may not even need it after all.

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