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Traynor Off The Record

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I've no idea if this rumour is true or not, I hope it isn't. I disagree with Blue Pimpernel that Traynor is qualified for the position, he isn't. Traynor is at the wrong end of his career, he's a technophobe, he's embittered and has countless enemies in the media. If, and I stress if, this is true it will be the equivalent of Jock Brown joining Celtic for those that remember that.


The media will turn on Traynor in their droves, they will be very conscious of being seen to be running Rangers 'spin' and rile against it. Traynor has stubbornly refused to engage with social media a hugely important PR tool, even with the likes of the excellent 'Rab' helping him on that I'd be astonished if his instincts are right for it.


PR is about building good relationships, making friends and being able to influence people, Traynor has more enemies in the Scottish media than Lord Leveson. Trust me when I tell you that the best PR people are people you have never heard of and you never will. They are below the radar, diligent and never become 'the story'. Traynor would act as a lightning rod for our enemies, he'd become the story.


For what it's worth I think he's a good journalist on the whole, a better writer than some give him credit for and has played a fairly straight bat during his career. But he's no PR man I'm sure of that.

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Hmm. PR man is a widely overused term. Amms, you make several valid points about traynor if we are to attach this ambiguous title to him. Yes, if he is in the public eye at all, or if we are expecting any modern marketing from him, then clearly it ain't going to work. Traynor will know this too, he's no daft. If he really has been offered a job, then surely it will be chiefly concerned with editing and setting the tone of press releases and deciding when and who to pass them to. There is certainly a place for the wizened hack in modern rangers' PR machine, but as a vital cog, not the engine. I suspect our Charlie knows what he's up to here...

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Traynor taking a job with Rangers will seriously undermine his previous reports that before this could be seen as objective and non-partisan. Big mistake.


We need him in the independent media as a voice of reason - and if he justifiably attacks us then so be it.

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Guest DietofWorms
  calscot said:
Traynor taking a job with Rangers will seriously undermine his previous reports that before this could be seen as objective and non-partisan. Big mistake.


We need him in the independent media as a voice of reason - and if he justifiably attacks us then so be it.


Absolutely. I like Traynor and his ability to stir the pot. He's best playing devils advocate and I'm not sure if we want or need him on our side at this time.

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