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Traynor Off The Record

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Seems a strange one but surely Scotzine wouldn't be so spectacularly wrong? I think he'd be excellent as our PR/media man. As always, when you have a job, your loyalties lie with those who provide the pay packet. Not sure what he'd bring to marketing however.

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Cant see this but if its true there are far better options even within the online fanbase.


But they probably neither have the contacts nor the reputation that Traynor has.


I dont see an issue with it to be honest.

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Guest Blue Pimpernel

PR is the preserve and expert vehicle of journalists, it is an art form by which we are seduced everyday without even realising it. Such is the subtlety of its persuasiveness we are as victims surrounded by it's relentless triumphs ;) it is intrinsically linked and chained to Marketing, which the consortium's main players seemingly excel at, they will utilise a PR expert to enhance their market share


Forget your opinion on Traynor of the DR, he performed his role their of selling papers and spinning popular bunk, if you knew him as the Herald's Chief Sports Writer and his punditry when he wrote for broadsheets then that is a different animal all together, a serious bruiser of a journalist, not short of intellect or considered opinion. A Prize winning journalist if my memory serves me, a true and consummate professional who actually does know more going on in the back ground than we could hope to.


Make no bones; this is a major appointment, a signing of the best in the business AND a major coup and PR victory if indeed it is the case... and as far as that goes, that looks to be heading for "worst kept secret" status ;)

Edited by Blue Pimpernel
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PR is the preserve and expert vehicle of journalists, it is an art form by which we are seduced everyday without even realising it. Such is the subtlety of its persuasiveness we are as victims surrounded by it's relentless triumphs ;) it is intrinsically linked and chained to Marketing, which the consortium's main players seemingly excel at, they will utilise a PR expert to enhance their market share


Forget your opinion on Traynor of the DR, he performed his role their of selling papers and spinning popular bunk, if you knew him as the Herald's Chief Sports Writer and his punditry when he wrote for broadsheets then that is a different animal all together, a serious bruiser of a journalist, not short of intellect or considered opinion. A true and consummate professional who actually does know more going on in the back ground than we could hope to.


Make no bones; this is a major appointment, a signing of the best in the business AND a major coup and PR victory if indeed it is the case... and as far as that goes, that looks to be heading for "worst kept secret" status ;)


Hiya Jim! :D

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