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Let SFA lead you

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THE groundwork has been done and the foundations have been laid.

But still a rebuilding job isnâ??t able to begin.


Scottish football requires complete reconstruction from the ground floor up.


But even with the plans on the table no one has the first idea where to start.


SFA chief Stewart Regan hopes the go-ahead will soon be given which will see our national game developed.


But he knows that without a level of compromise from everyone involved at the SPL and SFL there is a real danger planning consent will never be signed off.


And then everyone will be back to the drawing board.


Regan â?? referring to Mondayâ??s meeting between all 12 top flight chairmen â?? said: â??Any roadblocks are based on peopleâ??s own fears for what it means to them.


â??There are personal agendas and that is because many clubs are run by businessmen who have put their own money into running their club.


â??They, naturally, look at the implications for them, their own club, their fans, their own bank borrowings.


â??Consequently, you have got to try and create a solution which gives everyone a bit of confidence and some degree of comfort.


â??That is easier said than done, but it is not impossible.


â??There just needs to be a little bit of give and take on all sides.


â??If we are honest with each other we are going to say there isnâ??t going to be one solution that will suit everybody.


â??Going into a meeting realising there has to be some concessions on all sides is the only way to approach it. My answer is to say: â??Letâ??s get the best possible fit, one which will give the majority of people what they are looking forâ??.


â??It is not going to give anyone 100 per cent of what they are looking for.


â??If we apply that approach we have got a better chance of getting a result.


â??But if people are going into meetings believing it is one solution or nothing then we will still be sat here in five years time.


â??We have been here for too long. For Scottish footballâ??s sake we need some serious thought to find what is a best-fit solution that is going to move the game forward.


â??We donâ??t want a game that just continues to stagnate.


â??Right now change is on the table and everyone has been brought together.


â??If we donâ??t move forward we will regret having missed an opportunity. That would be a real shame.â?


Regan is prepared to knock heads together if need be.


Jim Ballantyne and David Longmuir speak for the SFL.


Peter Lawwell, Ralph Topping and Neil Doncaster represent the SPL with Campbell Ogilvie, Rod Petrie and Alan McCrae joining Regan from the SFA.


With Sandy Stables there from the Highland League it is a diverse group of ten men.


Regan added: â??We had a meeting on Wednesday to discuss both plans and take elements of each one to put together to form one proposal. In order for the clubs to vote on something there needs to be one plan everyone buys into.


â??If that is not possible the SFA canâ??t just dive in â?? we only govern the game, we donâ??t govern the leagues.


â??The rules of the league are designed to allow them to manage their own affairs.


â??However, if they voluntarily request support and assistance then of course we can get involved.


â??One way forward in all of this is for the clubs to concede they wish us to get involved.


â??And they wish us to try and lead them through the predicament we have been in for the last 18 months or so.â?


Reganâ??s glass is always half-full rather than half-empty.


But he knows the game is in need of a boost.


Attendances have not slumped as some predicted since Rangers were kicked out of the SPL. But the crowds still arenâ??t great.


Switch on the TV for any live game and there are usually masses of empty seats.


From a commercial point of view it looks visually desperate and Regan knows it.


He said: â??The journey Scottish football has to go on is going to take some time.


â??We recognised the foundations had to be put in post-McLeish Report, and we have done that.


â??We have put the governance foundations in place, but we have a whole series of other issues now.


â??The root of those issues tends to be financial. What we need to do is find a solution to those financial challenges and part of that is league reconstruction, to create a domestic product and domestic league that excites people.


â??It has got to get them to buy tickets and come back through the gates.


â??It has got to create excitement for all clubs right until the end of the season. That remains our main priority going into 2013.


â??That has got to be the starting point.


â??We want to attract sponsors, broadcasters and fans back through the gates.


â??The fact both the SPL and SFL are working on a plan means their clubs are dissatisfied with the current situation.


â??Already â?? throughout all of the debate in the last two years â?? the fans have said they want change.


â??The media has also pressurised the game for change.


â??It is constantly debated so there is a need there, one Henry McLeish himself said it needed to be addressed.


â??We are listening, but the challenge is how we get to that new place with all the constraints of league structures and voting mechanisms.


â??It is the members and the clubs who will decide. The SFA cannot wave a magic wand and say: â??Here is the answerâ??.


â??We need to get clubs into a place where they all agree they are going to sign up to one proposal or they agree to allow a third party â?? ideally the SFA â?? to lead them through the situation to come out the other side with the right solution.


â??Everyone needs to stay focused in terms of where we all want to get to.â?

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"Let the SFA lead you" No thanks not fit for purpose.


"Peter Lawwell, Ralph Topping and Neil Doncaster represent the SPL with Campbell Ogilvie, Rod Petrie and Alan McCrae joining Regan from the SFA"


The Sphell is over represented on that committee as Petrie will be representing his interest as Hibs director of the SPL, although he's there on behalf of the SFA?


Reagan is hardly impartial with his history as SPL puppet.


Looks like Longmuir and Balantyne are walking into a stitch up.

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