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Green On Tax Verdict

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  the gunslinger said:
Luke they did with the transfer embargo you mean.....


Good point, but I stand by my view that if Murray really cared about the club at all he could have found some way to scupper Whyte without upsetting his bank masters, even just by giving the fans a public warning. He knew fine well what he was like.

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  the gunslinger said:
aj gave us a public warning and was turned on. Lloyds have Murray by the balls he couldn't say anything. but perhaps he told aj too.

AJ who said he was begging Murray not to sell? Aye right.


Don't really get why you hate Green so much but love Murray.

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I don't really get why you imagine I love Murray.


rewriting history diesnt help matters. if you kid on sdm sold us of his own free will your simply letting Muir and Lloyds away with their crimes.


don't forget Muir was touting aj as a coffee thief all because he opposed the sale.

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  the gunslinger said:
I don't really get why you imagine I love Murray.


rewriting history diesnt help matters. if you kid on sdm sold us of his own free will your simply letting Muir and Lloyds away with their crimes.


don't forget Muir was touting aj as a coffee thief all because he opposed the sale.

I'm not forgetting Lloyds' role but I think it's easy to forget Murray's when talking about them.


The chain of events including Lloyds' control all goes back to his mismanagement.


Plenty of room for Muir and co's blame.

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its important we establish exactly what happened in order that we apportion blame correctly. for me Lloyds/muir pretty clearly forced the sale and as such must take a nice large chunk.


if we don't establish what happened then we blame the wrong people. a year ago p murray, aj and Bain were getting much of the stick but now we know that was wrong.

I am open to evidence or testimony that says Murray wasn't forced into the sale but as things stand all the evidence point to a forced sale.


you are of course correct about sdm business practices which is why he's also due a huge chunk of blame.

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