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BBC Scotland - Objective Journalism R.I.P

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It has been some considerable time since, with the help of a Vanguard Bears dossier, I wrote about the bias and lack of factual reporting towards our club by BBC Scotland. (A River Runs Through It) It will come as no surprise to anyone that the Vanguard Bears dossier regarding BBC Scotland is considerably heavier now, given what has transpired over the last few months.


But it was today, and from the pen of a non-Ranger that the final death blow was delivered to BBC Scotland. That it came from from a man who has worked for the BBC for over 40 years, and who is respected as something of an â??elder statesmanâ? amongst Sport Journalists, merely served to highlight how far BBC Scotland has fallen. A fall from which it may never recover, certainly not in this Bear's lifetime. I wont let them and I would suspect there are many reading this who feel exactly the same.


Archie MacPherson didn't mince his words. He thoroughly condemned their lack of journalistic integrity, in fact he even taunted them to use their skills to produce a documentary which asks why Rangers appear to have been singled out for such microscopic examination and failed by so many who are required to be impartial.


I think you will find Archie that those who were responsible at BBC Scotland, for so openly manipulating facts, just don't have the appetite or enthusiasm for such an examination - not if it serves to vindicate Rangers and point the finger at others.


They are not hacks they are hags who have concocted a cauldron of poison, venom and vindictiveness towards our club. Anyone partaking of this vile brew will notice the bitter and sour taste is caused by an essential ingredient being absent â?? objective reporting.


Their organisation is currently banned from Ibrox, and appear quite comfortable with their imposed exile. That ban stems from their footage prior to the Rangers v Motherwell match. A montage which the Samaritans organisation saw fit to criticise. They seem to be comfortable with the fact that they have marginalised a considerable proportion of the Scottish people against them.


They have either leaked or colluded with internet bloggers regarding their â??exclusive interviewâ? with Craig Whyte, as details of this â??exclusiveâ? appeared on the blog of a man described as â??tarred with the sectarian brushâ? a whole day before BBC Scotland released it's well er...not so exclusive.


It came of course as no surprise to the Rangers support that BBC Scotland decided that a man whose lack of credibility and integrity they had worked tirelessly to expose whilst chairman of Rangers was suddenly credible enough to earn an exclusive platform at the BBC to spout his lies just as Charles Green was trying to attract investment into Rangers by way of a share issue. Co-incidence ? Not on your nelly.


There is a touch of irony about Archie's timing however. It comes on the day the BBC are reported to have sacked 2 members of staff for misuse of social networks following an FOI request from right wing think tank Parliament Street.


Speaking afterwords Parliament Street Director Steven George Hilley commented ..


â??Misuse of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook by employees can compromise the integrity of publicly funded organisations and trigger long-term reputational damage.




But not nearly as much damage as has been caused by those currently working for BBC Scotland at Pacific Quay with their clear anti-Rangers agenda.

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