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Boyd Back At Rangers

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I'm really beginning to be disgusted by PLG and its more the fault of the fans than the man himself. Like the England football team in some respects. Must be nice to blame your own ineptitude on anyone else but yourself? What is Boyd supposed to have done?

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What is Boyd supposed to have done?


More the case of would he could not have done. Running up to the fans at Fir Park with 6 fingers showing his support for Ferguson said it all about the respect he didnt have. People spoke about how players should show up in shirt and tie etc as Rangers are all about standards, a guy comes in and tries to change methods yet a Ferguson and his mob disapproved and Boyd backed him in public.


I was glad on the day he left Rangers. As Kuznetsov says going on to win the title without him showed we didnt rely on him.

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If I could wipe one man from the history of Rangers it would be PLG so people would stop pretending that anyone other than the man himself was responsible for his exit from Ibrox due to being a really shit football manager and in fact a really poor manager of any kind with zero people skills.

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its sad to hear our own fans were glad the day our top scorer and still the leading SPL top scorer left us, other players have done and said much worse yet don't get the same treatment. we haven't had anyone as clinical since he left not even jelavic IMO. just very poor from our own so called supporters IMO :(


If you don't rate him fine but to slag him in the way he has been is what i'd expect from other teams not our own.

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More the case of would he could not have done. Running up to the fans at Fir Park with 6 fingers showing his support for Ferguson said it all about the respect he didnt have. People spoke about how players should show up in shirt and tie etc as Rangers are all about standards, a guy comes in and tries to change methods yet a Ferguson and his mob disapproved and Boyd backed him in public.


I was glad on the day he left Rangers. As Kuznetsov says going on to win the title without him showed we didnt rely on him.


yeah we won lots with buffel and sebo right enough, and his goals never helped us win anything right, shocking the way some of fans treat former players.

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its sad to hear our own fans were glad the day our top scorer and still the leading SPL top scorer left us, other players have done and said much worse yet don't get the same treatment. we haven't had anyone as clinical since he left not even jelavic IMO. just very poor from our own so called supporters IMO :(


If you don't rate him fine but to slag him in the way he has been is what i'd expect from other teams not our own.


Not really. In our opinions we thought we'd be better without him and we were, the title was bagged.


As for others then you are right, they are far worse. Likes of Naismth and Whittaker can jog on and not enter Ibrox again....Boyd would always be welcome back. Ive no problem with him training with the team at the moment. I just didnt rate him as a player and didnt approve of his actions.

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Not really. In our opinions we thought we'd be better without him and we were, the title was bagged.


As for others then you are right, they are far worse. Likes of Naismth and Whittaker can jog on and not enter Ibrox again....Boyd would always be welcome back. Ive no problem with him training with the team at the moment. I just didnt rate him as a player and didnt approve of his actions.


as i said others have done much worse and some players/pundits still slate us nothing is said about them, i'm sure he regrets some things but he was not the first to react to supporters saying who knows what from the sidelines, very big of them, and he wasn't the first to leave for more money and again won't be the last. He was a good squad player who lots of scored goals i don't care who they were against, we won the league without him but that's always the case when players leave they are not indespensible. But he did help us win trophies and leagues so I can't understand why some fans slag him off the way they do, some of goals were fantastic and did win us games. Jelavic was always going to leave, if it wasn't when he did it wouldn't have been much later. His performances before he left were woeful and lazy yet probably because we sold him in different circumstances he doesn't get anything said against him. He is not a bigger loss than then likes of Boyd IMO.


There's been lots of players i've not rated but some of the things boyd gets thrown at him is not warrented IMO. I actually liked buffel and sebo but it's just to wind you up, although it doesn't work anymore :)

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We had our favourite and not-so-favourite players, some would want Ferguson back, others Boyd. They both had their moments for the club, moments which are elavated above the not-so-positive stuff that clings to them too. Will you get an impartial opinion on here? I assume rather not. What I would hope is that those slinging mud remember at whom they do it ... Rangers players.


I know that some will fling the "über-fan" club about in no time, but I for one see and envisage us as something better than your average football fan. We support a team that is different - as we always like to point out. And that includes that we behave ourselves with some certain level of dignity. Sadly, in recent times, that dignity is being eroded and we would do well to remember who we are. (And no, that does not and shall not bar people from criticism, only remind them about the way to level it out.)

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Oh good! A Boyd thread.


Ask any scum fan who their favourite player of this millennium was and 99% of them would say Larsson.


Boydy scored more than him, so for that reason I respect the player and would welcome him back in a minute, so there.


But who was the better and more effective player????? Kenny Deuchar probably scored more goals than Dado Prso in Scotland but who was more effective.


Sorry, but even the decent Celtic fans appauld Laudrup....so to put Boyd and Larsson in the same context is way off IMO. Larrson was absolute world class. Barca and Man Utd took him on afterwards...Boyd went to Cleveland or somerwhere.

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