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Richard Wilson - Herald - Serious Questions Need Answers

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i would like to see a full judicial investigation carried out and maybe we will get the truth but more so for all the fans who stayed loyal to the gers through some very bad times who walked to hampden , bought red and black scarfs etc i for one will never forget the great fans that we have , a big thakyou to you all.

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But HMRC were still owed enough to block the CVA.


Dont think they did. IIRC if you excluded the big tax case from the liabilities Ticketus had more than 75% of the outstanding debt and could therefore ensure a CVA was approved.


Could be wrong, memory is hazy.

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Does anyone think what's happened in past few days gives whoever is running the scottish leagues next season justification for us to be re-instated to the top division ? after all they do need us there for commercial reason if nothing else.

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