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Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan is Jim McGinley


Jim McGinley aka James Joseph McGinley aka @BroganRoganTrev aka Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan aka @Strandsky


Jim McGinley wrote a 11500 word Diatribe called The Silence of the Lambs—- and when the wheels come off the bogey!


This has to rank as the Mein Kampf of internet bampottery . Full of references to Rangers, Cheating , Financial doping basically comparing Rangers to cheat Lance Armstrong.


One wonders if McGinley Bhoy could muster an 11500 word diatribe about his own team Celtic and say compare them to another American sports scandal like say ….erm Penn state for instance.


James Joseph McGinley is a director in the following companies


Company Name Company Status






I would invite any of my readers to forensically go through his companies’ accounts. I’m sure Jim won’t mind in the interest of financial fair play.


Jim McGinley aka @BroganRoganTrev it seems is good pals with sectarian Rangers hater and BBC employee Stuart Cosgrove. Both write for the bastard offspring of the now discredited and deleted Rangers Tax Case, the scottish football monitor.


Auld Jim McGinley even got a name check by Cosgrove on his BBC off the Ball yes the same Stuart Cosgrove who said this,


“One time we were through at Hearts, and we were at Falkirk station on the way, on the same day Rangers were playing Falkirk. It was Huns galore -thousands of them, and there were maybe 40 of us in the CYS from Perth. We got on the train at Falkirk station, we just opened the windows as it started moving, and gave them ‘Orange wankers’ and all the rest of it, and of course as soon as we were moving – the train stopped and started moving back into the station! The driver must have been a Hun or something.”


Stuart Cosgrove is head of diversity at Channel 4.

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"The company of Sir David Murray has called for a police inquiry into the leaking of information surrounding the Rangers' 'big tax case'.


Oldco Rangers this week won their appeal in principle against a bill from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs over their use of Employment Benefit Trusts (EBTs) from 2001 to 2010.


Details of the contentious payments to staff and players had emerged on the internet and in a BBC Scotland documentary entitled Rangers - The Men Who Sold The Jerseys, which won a Scottish BAFTA on Sunday.


A spokesperson from Murray International Holdings (MIH), majority shareholders of Rangers until May 2011, said: "In our statement released on 20 November 2012, we highlighted our concerns surrounding the volume of private and confidential information surrounding the EBT case that was made available for public consumption. This is particularly the case in relation to the significant quantity of personal financial data contained in the BBC Scotland programme broadcast on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 and set out in correspondence addressed to MIH in advance thereof.


"All individuals have an expectation of privacy in relation to correspondence and matters relating to their financial affairs. It is disgraceful that personal information relating to employees and former employees of MIH and its subsidiaries has been banded about in public in such a casual manner.


"There were only three potential sources of the complete set of documentation utilised in the broadcast and correspondence; being MIH's head office, the First Tier Tax Tribunal and HMRC, together with their respective advisers.


"Importantly, Rangers Football Club PLC did not have access to all of the material covered in the programme and letters.


"MIH's underlying concern is that there may have been criminal offences committed in connection with the provision of this material to the BBC.


"MIH therefore requests a formal independent police inquiry into how this documentation came into the possession of the BBC.


"In this regard, MIH will willingly and openly co-operate with any formal investigation, submitting itself to the same level of inquiry as any third party."


HMRC declined to comment on the matter while BBC Scotland is aware of the statement but has yet to comment."


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