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Chris Graham - That was just fine by me - different slant.

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  26th of foot said:
Interestingly, last evening on Radio Snyde; a caller came on and nailed Spiers as a liar and hoped Murray and Rangers would pursue him legally. He was not cut-off, nor dismissed. Jim ra Tim Delahunt(the objective Host of ra Show) said, "Mr Spiers can look after himself".


Statement of fact or hung out to dry? Looking at Spiers body language at the beginning of Scotland Tonight, I suspect he knows he has overstepped the mark and is worried at the CONSEQUENCE of this deliberate loss of discipline.


Clyde will be as worried as anyone at their coverage of the last 2 years. They'll try to appear balanced now so will easily hang 'friends of the show' out to dry.


Give it a few weeks, Spiers will be back on Clyde saying the same attention-seeking nonsense while Delahunt giggles. All the more reason for MIH to be serious in their legal pursuits which I doubt they will.


But, and it's a big but, MUrray has always been direct when dealing with personal criticism. His ego may not allow him to permit these comments to stand. Unfortunately, his wallet may not be big enough nowadays.

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Still just cant agree with this.


We are all seeing what we want to see. But we only think he "won" the debate because we know the facts. Anyone who isn't on Gersnet, FF etc will think Speirs held his own as he was able to refute anything put to him and the liar comments weren't pressed home with facts.


This was an opportunity to highlight to those who don't know and who aren't of a Rangers persuasion of Speirs etc agenda.


I'm not saying there should have been ranting and raving, but the advantage could have been pressed home more. It was all pretty tame.

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I think Speirs body language said it all, he was closed, obviously defensive, practically squirming at points. All this in the face of no obvious aggression merely a couple of guys who smiled pityingly at him. Any neutral or uninformed observer could easily tell he was on the back foot and did not like it one bit.

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  Super_Ally said:
Still just cant agree with this.


We are all seeing what we want to see. But we only think he "won" the debate because we know the facts. Anyone who isn't on Gersnet, FF etc will think Speirs held his own as he was able to refute anything put to him and the liar comments weren't pressed home with facts.


This was an opportunity to highlight to those who don't know and who aren't of a Rangers persuasion of Speirs etc agenda.


I'm not saying there should have been ranting and raving, but the advantage could have been pressed home more. It was all pretty tame.


I think the type of people who watch Scotland Tonight will be 'politically active' in that they'll use social networks and websites. Thus, they'll be well aware of the overall story and Spiers' performance.


The programme wasn't about highlighting Spiers' inadequencies. It was a short segment about the FTT decision so not to be wasted chasing after Spiers. I doubt McKay would have allowed the few minutes set aside to be taken up by Chris getting Spiers' tweets out for all to see.


The camera work and reaction of those present did that easily IMO. I even had a Motherwell fan at work say how obvious it was that Spiers had been caught red-handed...

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  Super_Ally said:
Still just cant agree with this.


We are all seeing what we want to see. But we only think he "won" the debate because we know the facts. Anyone who isn't on Gersnet, FF etc will think Speirs held his own as he was able to refute anything put to him and the liar comments weren't pressed home with facts.


This was an opportunity to highlight to those who don't know and who aren't of a Rangers persuasion of Speirs etc agenda.


I'm not saying there should have been ranting and raving, but the advantage could have been pressed home more. It was all pretty tame.


I can understand what you are saying as that was my initial reaction, until I watched it again. The point I was making is that he went on there prepared to be attacked, and it was clear he wasn't prepared for anything else. He would have used the same "you do yourself and your club a disservice with this conspiracy stuff" in his smug little pompous way. Why go after him in a knee-jerk reaction way? As I say I believe we WILL get him but 'revenge is sweet but best served COLD'. What's the rush, we've waited this long? Let's make sure we get him on our terms - not when he is sitting prepared for it.

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The little smile and shake of his head as Creep tried to get himself out the hole he has dug for himself, said more than a thousand words.


The best way to trip up a liar is to let the muppet talk and he will trip himself up, and that's exactly what Chris did.

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  Frankie said:
I think the type of people who watch Scotland Tonight will be 'politically active' in that they'll use social networks and websites. Thus, they'll be well aware of the overall story and Spiers' performance.


The programme wasn't about highlighting Spiers' inadequencies. It was a short segment about the FTT decision so not to be wasted chasing after Spiers. I doubt McKay would have allowed the few minutes set aside to be taken up by Chris getting Spiers' tweets out for all to see.


The camera work and reaction of those present did that easily IMO. I even had a Motherwell fan at work say how obvious it was that Spiers had been caught red-handed...


Maybe you are correct and maybe i've misjudged how others who aren't, as you say politically active, will have seen it that way. It didn't necessarily come across that way to me, but I am in a very small minority.


I should point out I'm not trying to dig up Chris at all as he has obviously made a huge contribution, much more than myself. Just pointing out my views.

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The camera angle used when Speirs made his denial was deliberate, the director chose to use that one because it clearly showed the reaction of the other two guests to what Speirs was saying. Had the camera simply shown Speirs face on, as it did for most of the piece, the audience reaction to what he said would be quite different. By showing the other guests reaction we were clearly told that what Speirs said was laughable as far as the others were concerned.


Speirs was isolated on the programme, both metaphorically and actually, he sat alone and at a different angle from the other two guests who sat together. None of that was accidental, the director was making a subtle point which should be lost on no one. TV directors can make you look like a muppet or film star if the choose too. I expect Speirs to stick with the BBC from now on.

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I have to agree with SA here, to an extent. It may be a victory for those in the know, but the subtleties of the director will have been lost on most. I think oor Chris played it perfectly, but the fact he didn't challenge spiers' denial will have left the masses none the wiser about the prick.

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