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Mind blowing when you think of who our Chairman was for 20+ years.


Aye, the mind boggles. He clearly lacked sympathy amongst other things.


Thing is David Murray himself is a wheelchair user though you'd have to search long and hard to see a picture of him actually using one, I can only recall ever seeing one and that was taken within a few months of his amputations.


I've raised the point re the lack of facilities at a couple of AGM's including the last one that Murray himself attended he replied, "Good point, we'll look into it", and basically dumped it into Bain's lap, in fairness to Bain progress was being made (though nothing other than the 4 spaces in the Broomloan to appease the other lot actually came out of it) till LBG took over the de facto running of the club, I suspect it was one of the first items to receive a stroke of Donald Muir's pen.


The actual problem itself is not exclusive to RFC but sadly they are one of the if not the worst offenders.

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Thing is David Murray himself is a wheelchair user though you'd have to search long and hard to see a picture of him actually using one, I can only recall ever seeing one and that was taken within a few months of his amputations.


I've raised the point re the lack of facilities at a couple of AGM's including the last one that Murray himself attended he replied, "Good point, we'll look into it", and basically dumped it into Bain's lap, in fairness to Bain progress was being made (though nothing other than the 4 spaces in the Broomloan to appease the other lot actually came out of it) till LBG took over the de facto running of the club, I suspect it was one of the first items to receive a stroke of Donald Muir's pen.


The actual problem itself is not exclusive to RFC but sadly they are one of the if not the worst offenders.


You are absolutely correct and I suppose, if the truth be told, that if you are looking at this from a purely business perspective then it probably wouldn't make sense to invest money in something where you wouldn't get a return and probably little kudos. I don't want this to sound like a party political broadcast but I think this is one of the reasons why if we bought shares as a collective we could really influence the decisions made.

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The biggest problems we wheelchair users face at the football is not the physical environmental hurdles for these can be overcome by willing minds rather it is the absence of said willing minds that's far, far harder to overcome.


As much as it pains me to say there is a mindset at Ibrox which is in a very bad place in regards the the whole issue of disability.


When people start telling lies to cover their failings or side-step the issue, you know their mindset.

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