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John Yorkston moves to offer cash assurances

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Pars chairman John Yorkston moves to offer cash assurances after boardroom departures

Dunfermline's players and staff have been assured that 70% of them will be paid their October wages by Monday and the rest by Tuesday.


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There are fears in the dressing room about what will happen this month however, with there only being one home game (against Dumbarton).


Pars chairman John Yorkston confirmed monies have been delivered in staggered fashion due to last weekâ??s boardroom reshuffle, with several players and coaches not yet fully remunerated.


Yorkston insists the problem will not become a recurring theme and hinted that new board members â?? and investment â?? may be imminent.


He said: "There have been payments made to everybody but, hand on heart, I cannot say that every member of staff has received their full salary.


"Everyone has received some form of remuneration. Where there are shortfalls then we believe we will rectify that in the next few days."


Yorkston added: ''There were unforeseen circumstances last week and certainly nothing you can budget for â?? with the change in the boardroom â?? so we would not expect anything like that to crop up.


''We have budgeted for next month and don't envision another delay.


''We have folk that we believe are prepared to join the board and, once that is confirmed, we will make an announcement.''


Meanwhile, Pars boss Jim Jefferies has bemoaned the lack of a competitive fixture this weekend, although he said it was not for the want of trying.


Jefferies had approached Falkirk manager Steven Pressley in the hope of bringing forward the two clubs' April fixture, which is due to be played at East End Park on a Tuesday night.


The fact no agreement could be reached represents a missed opportunity, in Jefferies' eyes.


He said: ''I approached Steven (Pressley) but, a couple of days beforehand, his players knew they had a free week and some of the boys he has from down south asked him if they could go back down south to see their families â?? just like we do.


''We can understand that and if he's not got the players to make up his strongest team, he's not going to play the fixture.


''It was an idea and it would have suited all parties if we had been a wee bit quicker to get it done.


''It looks like our best bet is to try and get a friendly sorted out â?? but who is available?


''You want to try and get a friendly that benefits the club, get a home game with good opposition, but I don't think the clubs that are available are going to be of any benefit.


''All the rest of the clubs that you would like to have are all playing, so it looks like a free weekend for us.''

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