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John Brown spouts nonsense again

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Is there not other factors involved? Are we saying Aberdeen DON'T raise their game against us? Is that just a myth? Surely these teams are trying far harder against us than they were against Gretna?


Also were Gretna actually playing 5 young players in every game including a couple of 17 year olds?


I always get a bit sceptical about these comparisons where both teams win a league but one did it with more to spare. Does it really make it so much better? There are different conditions every year and the whole point is that it is a bit of a marathon and so there is time to get it right. Sometimes you are lucky and get it right from the off and sometimes it takes a bit of time.


If we were way down the league there may be a point to make, but clear at the top is a strange one. Perhaps we should do what Gretna did and buy a load of players from the English lower divisions and take on a load of loans from English clubs higher up? Or should we try and develop our youths by giving them game time even though it means we will not set some league record for points and goals?


To be honest, I can't help but agree with Brown. Our squad needs more depth and the fans are too impatient to put up with what we have now. Perhaps the return of Temps can be a bright spot on the horizon.


I brought up Gretna to point out how ridiculous it is to say McCoist's resources are not good enough to do what is expected of him and win this league with some comfort, i'm not comparing points totals.


Winning cups would be nice but it would be a bonus and end of the day not worth much money, we didn't always win them with a SPL squad anyway so why break the bank just to gamble on that? Surely part of this new era should be sensible financial management?

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Cribari actually had his best game IMHO against Motherwell. Personally I think he looks very comfortable against the third divison strikers even when playing on injured as he did on Sunday; but I am concerned about lack of communication.


I watched him closely from the railing at Forres and didn't once see any communication between him and Perry never mind anyone else. I don't know whether there is a language barrier or he's just naturally someone who gets on with his own game but I find that quite worrying and it could cost us in more difficult matches.

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actually winning cups would be quite a boost to our coffers relatively speaking. we probably lost a million quid goi.g out to qots. that's two months wages.


But the extra wages would probably wipe out any boost. We can't even take the European place if we won the Scottish Cup.

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Brown knows nothing but he is entitled to his opinion.


But perhaps the players signed are used to a higher level / standard of football and might flouish in the SPL. Its also a new team still gelling and we didnt have a pre season to have a run of friendlies either, we were always going to take the first 6 games to get up and running. However now more than 6 games (not just league games) have past we should now start to see this team coming together.


There has been huge debate over Ally but now we are practically in Nov he should start to be judged.


Regardless, the division has still been quite refreshing and I dont know about anyone else but I havent missed playing any of the SPL teams at all. In fact the complete opposite. Even the cup games (Motherwell and Caley) werent appealing. Just the results to put one over them is!

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