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SFA lawyerâ??s trouble identity

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A TOP lawyer told last night how he received death threats after Rangers boss Ally McCoist demanded he be named for sitting on a SECRET footy panel.


Gary Allan QCâ??s family and work were thrown into turmoil after he voted to punish the troubled Ibrox club for bringing the game into disrepute.


Last night the legal eagle revealed Special Branch and anti-terror cops warned of credible threats to him and his loved ones â?? and that his mail could include POISON and razor blades sent by twisted fans.


His home was also put under round-the-clock police protection â?? with officers patrolling the house every 20 minutes â?? after he ruled against the Glasgow giants on the three-man SFA committee in April.


Mr Allan said: â??I wasnâ??t ready for my family to be exposed to that and that caused me a lot of anxiety.


â??We were given a full briefing on mail handling â?? there would be certain items which I should under no circumstances open if they were not from a familiar source.


â??I was told I should take mail into the smallest secure room with the fewest windows and have the family somewhere else in the house while I opened the mail.â? Cops who summoned him to Hampden also told him to be wary of any jiffy bags and warned of the danger of razor blades being taped inside seemingly normal envelopes too.


Mr Allan, whoâ??s worked on some of Scotlandâ??s biggest criminal cases, was also warned the blades could contain faeces, HIV or even highly-toxic Ricin poison.


His office clerks were given enhanced security training and were told to ring a special emergency number if anything happened.


The lawyer added: â??I had gone 30 years without that kind of experience, except in one or two notable cases. But this was breaking all the protocols. I had put in enough years that I could deal with that, but I was not ready for my family to be exposed to that.â?


Mr Allan hit out at Rangers having an AGENDA for urging the panellistsâ?? identities to be made public in the wake of the hearing â?? because the club was likely to already know their names. He said: â??I think there is room to think that Rangersâ?? behaviour wasnâ??t through oversight.


â??But if there were to be any suggestion Rangers didnâ??t know who was sitting in judgement of them â?? that would be a completely misleading and groundless suggestion.


â??I was astonished when I saw a recording of Mr McCoist demanding that the names be disclosed.â? Mr Allan said McCoist may well have been â??simply completely misinformedâ? over the matter.


The independent panel fined Rangers £160,000 and slapped the club with a 12-month transfer embargo for not paying tax during ex-owner Craig Whyteâ??s nine-month reign.


Afterwards, furious McCoist claimed the sanctions â??could killâ? the club and the Court of Session later upheld the Ibrox sideâ??s appeal.


Raith Rovers director Eric Drysdale and ex-commentator Alastair Murning were later revealed as the other two panel members.


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4612618/SFA-lawyers-trouble-identity.html#ixzz2ATlkxLLB

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You see, QCs and lawyers and all have their names mentioned all over the place in papers and at trials, where they convict criminals and terrorists and whatnot. People whose "partners", family, brothers-in-arms et al pose a real threat to their health. And they know that this will happen once they start doing criminal cases et al. It essentially the same with police-folk. Now it seems that what is normal practise at court with real cases shall be of the hush-hush variety when it comes to football clubs and tribunals? Because the football support may act like real criminals? Ahem ...

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So they make him drive unprotected to Hampden and back and then hours later they have made his house into Fort knox, this whole story just doesn't make sense to me. I would have thought that they would be frightened of a car bomb and wanted to search his car before he drives anywhere.

Lets put this straight the only people who have had possessions damaged in terror attacks have been Rangers players.

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Last night the legal eagle revealed Special Branch and anti-terror cops warned of credible threats to him and his loved ones — and that his mail could include POISON and razor blades sent by twisted fans.



Mr Allan, who’s worked on some of Scotland’s biggest criminal cases, was also warned the blades could contain faeces, HIV or even highly-toxic Ricin poison.


His office clerks were given enhanced security training and were told to ring a special emergency number if anything happened.




Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4612618/SFA-lawyers-trouble-identity.html#ixzz2ATlkxLLB


COULD, MIGHT..... Is this serious journalism or a joke? I COULD walk under a bus tomorrow. An asteroid MIGHT land on my head. Doesn't mean it's happened or going to happen.


Now here's the question Mr QC and whatever hack wrote this guff? Has any package containing razor blades or anything else threatening actually been sent to you? Have your staff ever had to ring that emergency number? If the answer is NO then there's NO story here and somebody is shitstirring.

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