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Vanguard Bears - just who are they?

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  Kenzie1 said:
  the gunslinger said:
oh they come on places like rm and threaten the lives of people who they disagree with.


Perhaps you could provide examples of death threats to those with whom they disagree?


I am now banned from the site in question. but I wasn't the only one threatened. the threats were never deleted to my knowledge so any rm member may easily access them.

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  simplythebest said:
  the gunslinger said:

Was it that thread that got you banned?


I got banned from that thread IIRC but no it was quite a while later after I bitched and moaned that I got banned.


the threat thread was about vb mural in Belfast IIRC. but it was just the worst of quite a few.

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  3909 04 said:
Neither did FF, apart from "stopped clock" DylanGer and "Private Fraser" Deedle.


Irrespective of VB's unwillingness to condemn White, at least they didn't vacillate from launching smear campaigns against potential purchasers to lifting their skirts for them like the FF/RST did throughout the bid process. Who can forget their twister-like contortions, eg:


"It's TBK for us. Paul Murray reduced the debt, you know. They want a Hibby running the club - you couldn't make it up. What's that? Kennedy has joined TBK? Err, welcome Brian, great to have you on board. No, hold on, we want Walter. In Walter we trust, Green's bid is dead in the water. Walter's out? OK, Bomber then. He's backed by T@igs? No problem; anyone but Green. Oh, Green's going nowhere? Err, Charles, can we talk?"


Anyone connected to FF having a pop at VB over Craig White is about as credible as George Entwistle/Mark Thompson's, "I knew nothing" defence.


No forum cannot be exempt from criticism about the collective love in regarding Whyte, Vanguard Bears must sip their medicine along with every other in this respect. I'm certainly not going to defend the stance taken by any forum regarding Whyte, nor defend any forum over their stance on any prospective party to the farcical charade that followed.


There were certainly a lot more individuals that Dylan Ger and deedle who saw that the emperor had no clothes on.

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  forlanssister said:
No forum cannot be exempt from criticism about the collective love in regarding Whyte, Vanguard Bears must sip their medicine along with every other in this respect. I'm certainly not going to defend the stance taken by any forum regarding Whyte, nor defend any forum over their stance on any prospective party to the farcical charade that followed.


There were certainly a lot more individuals that Dylan Ger and deedle who saw that the emperor had no clothes on.


VB were taken in by Whyte and they know it. To this day, as you know, snide FFers delight in sneering, "Are they still backing Whyte?" when VB is mentioned. Whereas we all remember that shortly afterwards, the most nauseating acts of sycophancy in the history of the Rangers support were witnessed on FF and the RST site as the Won't Get Fooled Again Loyal first thanked Martin Bain for dropping his legal action (!), before fighting like pigs at a trough to launch their tongues up first Paul Murray's ringpiece, closely followed by Kennedy's, Walter's and most laughably of all, Bomber Brown's.


VB were duped by Whyte but at least they didn't act like rent boys thereafter.

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