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How can Scottish football possibly survive.

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their big problem will be at the end of this season when their one year SKY TV deal expires. The viewing figures have been poor & SKY will want to renegotiate or walk away altogether.

The other thing these muppets forget is that the SPL withheld our prize money from last season. One way or another CG will have to get that money as he's legally obliged to do as CEO. Talks have already taken place regards this but with no outcome. I suspect the SPL haven't got this money to give to us therefore CG may well need to go down the legal route to pursue this money. That being the case it could well force the SPL into administration. How sad would that be.............NOT.

Also don't forget the SPL's major sponsors the CB are renewing at the end of this season. Others will no doubt reconsider their position too.

So it should be interesting to see where we all are in a years time.

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I don't get why CG isn't already talking to his lawyers about dragging the corrupt cabal into court. If it could be proved it was Rangers money and I believe the waters have been muddied sufficiently to achieve just that, it would come full circle and see Rangers putting the SPL into admin. How sweet would that be?

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What do we have to lose in taking it to court. Scotland have no chance in qualifying for the WC and we will only stop the tims from going further in Europe.


Take it to court Charles!!!!!!

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The other thing these muppets forget is that the SPL withheld our prize money from last season.


Looking at that from a slightly different viewpoint....They won't have any of that withheld money next season - so what then???

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Totally agree that is why they will be stealing everything off us next year as well. Remember we only have a temporary licence and that is for a reason. We will have the exact same fight next season and it will depend how deep Green digs his heels into the earth. The one thing is, he now knows the Rangers support stand behind him and he did not have that certainty last season. He may be more up for a fight next season.

I don't agree with this. The temporary licence was only until Rangers' SPL share was transferred to Dundee. It is a full licence Rangers have now - although only associate and it will remain that way for three years.

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I don't agree with this. The temporary licence was only until Rangers' SPL share was transferred to Dundee. It is a full licence Rangers have now - although only associate and it will remain that way for three years.


I hope you are right can anyone substantiate it?

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