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New rules on way for SPL

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THE SPL could embark on a historic change of direction today â?? if clubs agree to a new voting structure.

Top-flight chairmen like Hibsâ?? Rod Petrie and Dundee United chief Stephen Thompson will meet at Hampden to discuss plans to overhaul the way decisions are made.


Moves are in the pipeline to bring in a radical new 9-3 voting system.


At the moment 11 clubs must vote in favour of any new motion if it is to be passed.


That always meant both Old Firm clubs could join forces to veto any moves they felt were not in their interests.


A chance to change the 11-1 majority rule exists with Rangers languishing in the Third Division.


Now it will be proposed this system is ripped up and replaced with one which only requires nine votes in favour.


Critics of the current arrangements point to things like SPL TV, which was sunk by Old Firm opposition in 2002 after it became clear it wouldnâ??t win the required amount of votes, as an example of how undemocratic the current arrangements are.


The change in voting structure was first mooted back in April, but a decision on the issue was delayed because of the developing crisis at Ibrox.


But with that, and the SPLâ??s TV rights, now settled the chairmen could push through a new dawn this morning.


The SPL will also discuss the issue of Heartsâ?? late payment of salaries to boss John McGlynn and six players.


They defaulted on wages in September and although they paid up a week later new financial rules then automatically triggered a transfer ban.


They also missed this monthâ??s pay deadline.


SunSport understands Hearts will be punished for the September non- payment at this meeting, with another hearing for the latest one.




Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scot...#ixzz29ypDfsaM

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This could be bad news for Rangers if and when we get back into the SPL,unless CG statement of never joining the SPL comes true!


I think what we need is a strong SFL. The SPL can fiddle about with any voting structure they want but with the cash flow dropping rapidly there they will need restructure to the leagues and thats when the SFL hold stronger cards.


Anything that hits Rangers and Celtic will eventually make both clubs pushing for some sort of Atlantic league again. The regular run of the mill SPL clubs are just digging their own graves at the moment.

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