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I've read this through a couple of times and without thinking too long or hard about a reply, i'll reply with this, What the FUCK.



The post was sarcastic and the total opposite of how I feel, Chilledbear's post so saddened me sarcasm was all I had left.

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On the contrary, I missed an OF derby last season, it was just after Penny Arcade was introduced by the fans, and Ibrox was bouncing. Charlie Nicholas (of all people) was waxing lyrical about the Rangers crowd. Then on Sportscene, wee Nevin was also full of praise. Regardless though, you're saying that you want praise for not singing offensive songs?




Even if it upsets fellow fans?


Why can't we just sing songs that support the team with the odd helping of Penny Arcade?


I dont want praise. That's why I added "or even recognition". But if they're going to pillory us for it when there are many teams who were equally as bad, and now it can be argued are in fact worse, for being offensive then commenting on us cleaning up our act significantly should not be too much. It appears it largely is. One or two examples of a little praise or recognition does not make up for the far greater amounts of grief we still cop for it.

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There HAS been praise and there HAS been recognition, but you can't expect gushing eulogies every time the Rangers support doesn't sing offensive songs.


Most of the grief that Rangers fans still cop for it are from fellow fans from what I can see.

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No wonder they're getting filmed and searched going into games. Flares, smoke bombs, offensive banners and immature and pointless chants like "1321".


Wannabe thugs who have no ambition in life.


I know imagine needing to search and film someone for saying a bad word, whatever next 5 years in the nick for having a fart in public.

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No wonder they're getting filmed and searched going into games. Flares, smoke bombs, offensive banners and immature and pointless chants like "1321".


Wannabe thugs who have no ambition in life.


That's a fairly blanket statement. Has there been a lot of flares/smoke bombs/offensive banners removed from persons?


Are other fans of other clubs subject to similar searches etc? What exactly constitutes an offensive banner in the eyes of the law as depicting Rangers fans being shot isn't.


I'm genuinely curious. Do Rangers fans get subjected to MORE scrutiny or is we are reported about more?


(I am curious, i have no axe to grind with cops)

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My tuppence worth.


The comparisons with Barcelona and their 'political' affiliations are interesting and worth exploring a bit further. For a start in the Catalan comparison we're Espanol (or Espanyol since they moved to the Catalan spelling) not Barcelona. Our shared national histories are very different too. None of us have lived under a fascist dictatorship, a dictatorship that banned the speaking of their language and all other cultural identity and who used paramilitary police to subjugate the population. The reasons for Barcelona's (and other 'Spanish' clubs) politicisation are based in recent history and the opportunity to express a culture and identity that was otherwise prohibited. That hasn't happened in Scotland since the 18th century and certainly not since any of us were born. In my opinion comparisons between us are disrespectful to those who were detained, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by Franco's fascist movement. We might well be 'more than a club' but for very different reasons.


I'm no nationalist, I'm uncomfortable with all signs of nationalism, be it Scottish or British or any other country. Wrapping a flag around yourself and using it as a symbol of identity baffles me. Anyone who doesn't think there is a need for change in this part of the world walks around with their eyes closed, in my lifetime the West of Scotland has gone from one of the most politically engaged areas of Europe to apathetic, disillusioned and disenfranchised. We've the lowest life expectancy in the western world, for fucksake that alone should have us marching on George Square.

So something that increases our interest in politics and how we are governed pleases me, however chanting anti-SNP songs at Ibrox strikes me as childish posturing. We live in a democracy as people have pointed out so go speak to your councillor, your MSP, your MP and your MEP, hold them accountable for what they do, scrutinise them. Join a political party and agitate for change, start a blog, hold a demonstration, start a petition, write to the papers there are countless ways you can genuinely affect the change and express the sentiment you hold in a far more constructive way.

I'm not uncomfortable with it because I disagree with it, but because I don't know where the line should be drawn. Is all 'political' or 'religious' singing allowed then? What if those horrible bastards with their stall in Mafeking Street fancy a few chants, is that okay too? What about the Scottish Defence League are we all okay with that? What about some pro-SNP chanting, anyone got any issues with that? What about abortion, seems to vex the Unionist/Loyalist politicians of Northern Ireland, can we expect some pro-life chanting next week?


Or what chance we all decide that Ibrox isn't the place for it. We're too broad, we come from too many backgrounds, we've very different experiences and views. The only thing we all agree on is wanting Rangers to win, and even on that we strongly disagree about how we should achieve it! That should be the only subject we allow to be sung about at Rangers, everything else should be left at the door.


It's not in our interests to turn people away from our club; no matter what you might feel about their politics.

Edited by amms
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