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Traynor on whyte

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LIKE a bad penny â?? or should that be 100, given what he forked out for Rangers â?? Craig Whyte turned up last night claiming he didnâ??t kill off the Ibrox club.

In a scattergun interview, the disgraced former owner desperately tried to pin the blame for Rangersâ?? downfall on everybody but himself.

Sadly, Whyte is so delusional that he probably really does believe the crisis was caused by the others whose names he tried to blacken.

As he said: â??I was, if you like, driving the train when it crashed but I wasnâ??t the one who set it on this path.â?

Of course not, and you were forced to stop handing over PAYE to the taxman.

â??What was the alternative?â? he asked. â??What people are forgetting is that the club didnâ??t have any money to pay tax.â?

Well, thatâ??s all right then. That explains it perfectly and must surely absolve Whyte of blame.

Big boys â?? people like Duff & Phelps, who Whyte insists knew about the Ticketus deal, Sir David Murray and Scottish footballâ??s authorities â?? did it. Only it was Whyte who ran away.

Last night, one of the joint administrators, Paul Clark, said: â??The allegations against the administrators, who are officers of the court, are false, malicious and without foundation. They shouldnâ??t be given any credibility, given the source.â?

Clark continued: â??It should be remembered that Mr Whyteâ??s takeover of Rangers is now the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation and we have provided evidence to that inquiry.

â??In addition, we instigated legal proceedings against Mr Whyteâ??s solicitors in the High Court in London and those proceedings are centred round the very serious allegation that he was involved in a conspiracy which deprived Rangers of many millions of pounds.â?

Whyte is correct when he insists the Employee Benefit Trusts scheme operated by Rangers over a 10-year period made it practically impossible to find a willing buyer, because of the potentially massive tax liability attached to the club.

Thatâ??s down to Murray and his financial advisers. But no matter how much Whyte, and others, want it to be true, the Big Tax case didnâ??t close Rangers.

Whyteâ??s non-payment of tax forced HMRC to act.

But, of course, they should have tried to agree repayment systems with him first.

And the shamed former owner, who broke cover in an extensive interview with BBC Scotland, revealed â??prominent politiciansâ?, including Scotlandâ??s First Minister, became involved.

He said: â??At one stage, Alex Salmond spoke to the head guy at HMRC but they werenâ??t prepared to come to any arrangement.â?

But, according to Duff & Phelps, there was dialogue with HMRC about non-payment and possible repayment plans.

Whyte, who was speaking out to set the record straight, refused point-blank to accept that he had lied at any point, or duped anyone, including former owner Murray.

He did, however, admit that he had been misleading when questioned about where he had found the £20million to buy the beleaguered Ibrox club.

However, despite having been asked on more than one occasion about a deal to hand over future season tickets to London firm Ticketus, Whyte would not accept that he had lied.

He said: â??Maybe I should have been more open but I didnâ??t lie. I should have been more open about the funding. I perhaps misled people about that and that was a mistake.â?

Come on, Craig, not even a little white lie? No?

And what about the claim that it was he, and not Zeus Capital, who searched out Charles Green and introduced him to Duff & Phelps.

â??Nonsense,â? Green said last night. â??Yet again Craig Whyteâ??s version of events paints a misleading picture of what actually happened.â?

To be fair to Whyte, he did introduce Green to one of the administrators â?? but it was in a Chinese restaurant in London days after Zeus had brought in the Yorkshireman to mastermind the takeaway, sorry, takeover.

But Green said: â??The facts are that direct contact was made by our consortium with Craig Whyte in the first instance as it appeared at that time that his shares would have to be secured in order for any purchase of the club to progress.

â??I wasnâ??t present when contact was initially made but later met Craig Whyte, who introduced me to the administrator.

â??I was brought in by Imran Ahmad after Duff & Phelps contacted Zeus in February.â?

Green didnâ??t stay. He didnâ??t even sit down. He had work to do if something could be salvaged from the wreckage of that train Whyte was driving.

But, of course, Whyte always knew Rangers were heading for the buffers and so, he insists, did everyone else around him.

He said: â??There was a 75 per cent chance it would go into administration. Everyone involved in the deal was aware of that.â?

Whyte also repeated his belief that he is not the man to blame for the almost catastrophic events which plunged Rangers into liquidation â?? and pointed to the administrators, claiming they knew about the Ticketus deal.

He also said it was only AFTER administration that Rangers went into meltdown, adding: â??If the administrators had stuck to what they said they were going to do, then it wouldnâ??t have gone wrong. Either weâ??d have got a quick CVA (company voluntary arrangement) through or a quick restructuring.

â??Staying in administration for five months was where it went wrong.â?

He said given the dire straits Rangers were in, the Ticketus deal was â??considered the best way to fund the clubâ? and added: â??Duff & Phelps knew, 100 per cent they knew.

â??They attended meetings and were copied in on emails. They were there on the day of completion.â?

In January, when the Record broke the news that future season tickets had been sold to Ticketus, Whyte denied it point-blank.

Even now, he still denies lying to fans about how his takeover was funded.

He said: â??I think I was asked a specific question, â??Did you mortgage the season ticketsâ??. I said no, because they werenâ??t mortgaged.â?

Whyte admitted he should have been â??more open about the fundingâ? but added: â??I didnâ??t lie but perhaps I misled people.â?

However, he defended the principle of using ticket money to buy the club, saying: â??Thereâ??s no difference between a bank overdraft or a bank loan to fund the club and using a funding method like Ticketus.â?

Whyte also insisted the SPL knew Rangers were in trouble and that he flagged up the problems at a meeting last October.

In fact, he and Rangersâ?? then director of operations Ali Russell met SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and non-executive director Ralph Topping for dinner.

The SPL were alerted to the dangers facing the club but were unable to offer Whyte any idea of what might happen in the event of liquidation and some kind of restructuring.

â??Itâ??s been a disaster,â? Whyte said. â??Theyâ??ve made Scottish football a laughing stock of the world.â?

But surely you helped do that, Craig?

He also added: â??What other country in the world would deal with one of their biggest clubs in the way they have and demote them to the Third Division.â?

Wrong again, Craig. Rangers had to go there because they were a new club starting over.

How on earth did that happen?

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Last night, one of the joint administrators, Paul Clark, said: “The allegations against the administrators, who are officers of the court, are false, malicious and without foundation. They shouldn’t be given any credibility, given the source.”


A point to remember that David Grier isn't actually one of the administrators.

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