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Last night may have forced Murray's hand

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Well we've averaged at least 10 points a season less than Celtic for the last 8 seasons! That's one hell of a slump and despite a couple of scaped titles papering over the cracks, he's pretty much had us playing the second fiddle for almost half his tenure.


Murray has pretty much proven he hasn't got a clue, when he brought DA in he spent 3 times as much as was needed for the success we achieved and now he's spending a third of what we need to even compete. His sums are all wrong and have been for a long time.


Instead of spending 30 million a year or 3 million a year, we need the middle ground of around 6-10 million a year depending on our earnings from Europe.


If his metals factory was in dire need of some new machinery or risk failure to compete in its market, I'm sure he'd make the investment. At the same time I'm sure he wouldn't throw silly money at it and buy twice as much as he needed.


Why can't he EVER apply proper business sense to Rangers FC?

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They beat us by a street last year in the league, they then bought decent experienced players in the summer (I wonder what the average age of their starting line up was last night).

They will now have the money to strengthen again in the summer, if not in January. These are very worrying times for us, there latest signings have settled quickly, and improved their team, while ours have still to prove they can do so.

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Aye, and the annoying thing is DM filled us,again,with bullshit over the JJB sports deal saying the manager will have ex amount, think it was 18mill, at the start of the season, then once all the season tickets were bought..............where is it ?

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I might be mistaken here but I suspect Mr Murray has pocketed the vast majority of the JJB cash to reimburse the money he forked out on the recent share floatation. He seems to want Rangers to be in a debt free situation in order to make it an attractive purchase to potential buyers. So it seems until he fucks off there will be no investment in the team. This club can easily service a 10-15m debt, what clubs of a similar size don't have? This type of money is sorely needed just to catch up with the yahoos never mind become this country's dominant club. I'll watch what happens in January with interest and if there is no serious investment in the team then Mr Murray can whistle for my season ticket money next season.

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No, the JJB money is still there.


We got �£18million up front. �£3.5million of that was released to the profit/loss accounts for 05/06 which leaves �£14.5million in reserve. This is to be used on an annual basis I believe.


We also get a minimum �£3million per season as part of the deal. This year it could be as much as �£5million so I'm told because of the 3 new strips selling well.


I also understand that there is to be 3 new strips again for next season which, although sound business sense in terms of maximising revenue from JJB, is a disgrace for the many families out there who struggle to afford such items every 2/3 years.

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No, the JJB money is still there.


We got �£18million up front. �£3.5million of that was released to the profit/loss accounts for 05/06 which leaves �£14.5million in reserve. This is to be used on an annual basis I believe.


We also get a minimum �£3million per season as part of the deal. This year it could be as much as �£5million so I'm told because of the 3 new strips selling well.


I also understand that there is to be 3 new strips again for next season which, although sound business sense in terms of maximising revenue from JJB, is a disgrace for the many families out there who struggle to afford such items every 2/3 years.


Not quite so Frankie..... it isn't necessarily still there.


What has happened is that it being a 10 year deal means that JJB would have paid the cash, DM could very easily have taken the cash. However, the amount going to the P&L account is simply the portion relating to the fiscal year in question.


What happens from an accounting perspective is that the money is received in the bank and then a corresponding "liability" is created (is actually called deferred income) - this is shows as a liability because of the 10 yr deal - only 1/10th becomes available each year - therefore you can only "release" 1/10th per year to the P&L. The rest sits waiting to get utilised. HOWEVER, from a CASH perspective, DM could easily have taken that money out of the club - it should be transparent though as to how he would do this, not too many options (salary (difficult for him to do), dividend (likely as he is still the vast majority shareholder) or as a loan (also possible) - there are other means which would be a bit more creative but these 3 are probably the most likely and most traditional, with salaries being pretty unlikely. The loan one would be very transparent and wouldn't make too much sense as it increases the debt he is trying to eliminate.


I don't think he has taken the cash out to be honest, but just showing that it COULD have been done.


Regarding obtaining those future amounts - that is the price that DM paid in selling the club's soul to JJB - they want to maximise their returns too don't forget so they will want new strips every season I would expect. Control, I would think, has been passed to JJB - and they don't care about the supporters - but it is a scandal that they will be bringing out new strips next year again !!

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I see that Celtic have come out today and confirmed they'll be strengthening the squad in January.


Happy days.


Maybe a plus note. Real Madrid became rank rotten by buying so many new players. :(

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With Celtic winning last night - normally I'd be gutted (and I am to an extent obviously!). Celtic are now guaranteed at least �£12million for their CL run as well as a minimum �£6million next season that means they can possibly afford to spend up to �£10million between now and the start of next season.


That could be considered very bad news for us and now, more than ever, David Murray has to think back to his boasts of years past and ensure that if they do spend serious money, we match it as best we can.


Right now we are struggling to be even 2nd best in Scotland. If we want to secure that and ensure a challenge against a resurgent Celtic, not only do we need investment of a worthy degree but a chairman who is up for the fight.


David Murray now faces his most difficult challenge since he came to the club. He suggests he's still the man for the job and obviously many, many fans still believe that. Thus, either he puts in the investment required or if he doesn't he will be forced out all the quicker.


The next 1-2 years will set the tone for the next 10-20. Will we be first or last?


Only one man can answer that question - hero or villian, Mr Murray - what's it to be?


In the end I think the sly one will be happy just to ride the storm until he slings his hook and leave us looking a poor second best to Smeltic :sigh:

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