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RANGERS will never have a better chance to destroy the whole already crumbling edifice of the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-Eric Riley Scottish Premier League.



And then the club can turn its attention to the Stewart Regan-Peter Lawwell-Rod Petrie Scottish Football Association edifice, built at is it, on shifting sands.



But it is the Scottish Premier League which should be the prime target for Rangers right now.



And I believe the Ibrox club has it in its power to start a stampede which could see what many believe are Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s plans to dominate Scottish football by launching a takeover of the Scottish Football Association, plus the destruction of the Scottish Football League, trampled underfoot.



Rangers might be skint and under a regime which still has to prove itself to the vast majority of its supporters, despite the bullish statements from its chief executive.



But as members of the gentlemanly and completely incorruptible Scottish Football League, Rangers have a powerbase. They should use it, lest they lose it.



For a start, the Scottish Football League clubs stood up to the Stewart Regan-Peter Lawwell-Rod Petrie SFA and the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-Eric Riley SPL and their combined efforts to bully them into parachuting Rangers into the First Division in order to save the SPLâ??s financial bacon.



Add to that, the fact the entirely honourable, decent and honest David Longmuir, the chief executive of the Scottish Football League, has already stood up before the Witchfinder Generals of the SFA and SPL and spoken out in defence of Rangers.



Then add the financial, sponsorship , publicity and television benefits the Scottish Football Leagueâ??s members in the Third Division are already being made aware of as coming from having Rangers, the biggest club in Scotland, in their midst.



And what do you get?



A Scottish Football League whose member clubs would be willing to listen to any plan Rangers may want to propose and talk about with those clubs, as to the long term reorganisation of league football in Scotland under the control of David Longmuir and the other honourable and decent honest men in the Scottish Football League.



Thatâ??s what you get.



While, in the SPL, Kilmarnock have already shown they had no appetite to join in the witch hunt against Rangers. They refused to vote to exile them from the top flight.



While Rangers have already made conciliatory noises in the direction of one club, Motherwell, who those inside Ibrox believe only reluctantly bowed to the bigoted pressure of some of their loudmouth fans and voted against Rangers.



My information is that there are other SPL clubs who feel the same and who are looking for a way to repair their relationship with Rangers. Inverness Caley Thistle, perhaps.



While Ross County, I believe, are in a similar situation, along with St Johnstone, taking the total number of clubs currently in the Scottish Premier League who do not want any long standing rift with Rangers, to five



If Rangers can convince the Scottish Football League that whatever happens regarding promotion over the next few years, they will not accept a place in the Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s Scottish Premier League, then all will be there to play for.



With an opportunity to invite those five current SPL clubs to leave the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-Eric Riley controlled SPL and join the place where Rangers will have promised to remain, the Scottish Football League.



And where would that leave Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s Celtic? Where would it leave Stephen Thompsonâ??s Dundee United? Where would it leave Hibernianâ??s Rod Petrie? And where would it leave that other arch-anti Rangers man, Aberdeenâ??s Duncan Fraser?



Iâ??ll tell you where!



Begging Rangers to pave the way to some sort of peace pact with the Scottish Football League, in order that they would have a proper league competition in which to compete.



Rangers have it in their power right now to form alliances, forge friendships and finalise a blueprint which will be attractive to their fellow Scottish Football League clubs and help take power away from the Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell, Eric Riley, Celtic and their allies who dominate the Scottish Premier League.



Whether or not those inside Ibrox are up for such a fight, whether or not they have the gumption and the foresight for it, will tell Rangers supporters all they need to know about the current Rangers regime.

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Totally disagree with the concept of us trying to lead the SFL. This kind of attitude will do us no favours and win us no friends. Previously I would not have given a shit about that, bitter experience has changed my mind.


After the complete shambles of our SPL, we're in no position to tell others what to do. And to be frank, whatever they come up with is likely to better without our involvement - like Leggo, if I was involved I would want to cripple these others bastard clubs to get revenge. That's not a sensible long term plan for the future, no matter how satisfying.


I'm happy to see the SFL clubs take the lead. I'm totally against letting the SPL clubs take the lead. I just think we should take a step aside, unless the SFL plans are hugely detrimental to us.

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You can bet the SPL clubs will be fighting for their ideas of what reconstrution should be? we must be in there fighting for our ideas too. We must be the SFL's counter weight to the SPL's determination that they remain the dominant force in Scottish football.


Everthing must be done by our club to see the demise of the corrupt cabal of the SFA/SPL.

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The SPL have a problem. They need the Rangers pound (as Bill McMurdo would say). Their problem is that when the SPL clubs wouldn't stand up to LIEWELL & Petrie and voted us out the SPL there was no quick return for us as things currently stand. Now the SPL is staring into a black financial hole with much reduced revenues and a bleak future. Sponsors are either going altogether or like SKY will undoubtedly want to pay much less next season.

CG knows this. The SFL know this and they now have a strong bargaining position.The SFL clubs have no real desire for Regan's reconstruction with Rangers now in their ranks.

The SPL still owe us last season's prize money which CG may well need to take legal action to get (although they probably haven't got the money).

Not to mention their EBT investigation which may also end up in a court of law. As I said on another blog on here last night if we take the SPL/SFA to court over these then UEFA/FIFA may well suspend scottish club sides & national side. How sad would that be.(NOT)

Yes I would most certainly agree we may well be the club who finishes the SPL but the football authorities have picked a fight with us which we must see thru' to the bitter end

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