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FAO Bluedell re Edmiston House

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Why would Tims have a say in it?


they have a say in everything these days it seems. from uefa fining us for singing songs to our government having national enquiries. the scum seem to have their fingers in every pie. they went forth, they multiplied, they couldnt beat us so they joined us and now they outnumber us, in every walk of life.

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Now we've got that clarified, I wonder what people's thoughts are on the proposal to have the first two floors as the superstore and the top floor as a sports bar. There is the investment of £800K to buy it back then whatever it costs to refurbish it which won't be insignificant. I worry that we are putting so much money into something that is only going to be busy on match days. I wrote a paper last year that I sent to Gordon Smith who subsequently gave it to Ali Russell about how we could increase income. I've now sent it to Imran Ahmad but who knows if he will even read it. Basically it was about how we should be looking at the tourism industry to attract visitors throughout the year. We have a USP (that's Unique Selling Point rather than anything to go with supporters groups) in that we are the world's most successful club. We should use that in our marketing. The open-topped buses go to the Science Centre, why not drop off at Ibrox and let them spend their dosh. My paper was in much more detail but that was the general idea.


Great work by the way, as for the Tims bit Kusnetzov speaks of it might be more like GCC having a say and going by past experience they are no great friends of Rangers.

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