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HEREâ??S a wee question for those who believe I have been neglecting certain matters in order to take the anti Rangers ranters and baiters at BBC Scotland to task.



How can Stewart Regan, Peter Lawwell and Rod Petrieâ??s Scottish Football Association be the last football Court of Appeal for Rangers should the apparent vindictive witch hunt by Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s Scottish Premier League rob Rangers of Championsips won fairly and squarely on the field of play?



How can that be?



But it can. And we know it can, because no less an authority than the chief executive of the Scottish Football Association, Peter Lawwell and Rod Petrieâ??s pal, Stewart Regan has said so.



He said so when he was explaining that the probe had to be handed over to the Scottish Premier League for determination. For a verdict and a sentence and that the Scottish Football Association could play no role, as it was the SFA which would be the final football Court of Appeal open to Rangers.



Yet we now know that the idea of the Scottish Football Association taking no part in the determination of the Rangers titles during the EBT years, is balderdash and bunkum.



That the statement to that effect made by Peter Lawwellâ??s pal, Stewart Regan, was not exactly kosher. Indeed, it may well be that some people view it as being something which Winston Churchill, mindful of Parliamentary language, described as a terminological inexactitude.



Or in blunt terms...what Peter Lawwellâ??s Scottish Football Association Hampden boardroom best pal Stewart Regan said, was not a clear representation of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.



And how do we know this?






We know it because a draft of the five-way agreement between Rangers Oldco and Newco, the Scottish Premier League the SFL and the Scottish Football Association contained a clause which demanded Rangers surrender five titles and four Scottish Cups as payment for being parachuted into the First Division.



Which brought a stinging retort from Alistair McCoist which, when pared down to just two words amounted to...



No Surrender!



So now we know. Peter Lawwell, Rod Petrie and Stewart Reganâ??s Scottish Football Association believed Rangers should hand over nine trophies from the clubâ??s list of honours.



So now we know. Peter Lawwell, Rod Petrie and Stewart Reganâ??s shameful Scottish Football Association wanted Rangers to return four Scottish Cups to the SFA, along with five League Championships to Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s Scottish Premier League.



And yet Stewart Regan still insists that the Scottish Football Association can act as an unbiased and uninvolved final football Court of Appeal, should Rangers be robbed of their fairly won SPL titles by the Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Rileyâ??s Scottish Premier League.



Stewart Regan, it would appear, has a pretty strange idea of how justice should be dispensed and an even stranger idea of what is natural justice.



I beg to question if the eminent High Court Judge, Lord Nimmo Smith, takes a similar view?



I also beg to question whether or not the learned Lord Nimmo Smith is entirely comfortable being associated with what he may believe is not merely a flawed process, but one which is actually skewered in order to deny Rangers natural justice?



It beggars belief that nobody else has spotted this flaw in the system, which now that they examine it, many may believe is not merely fatally flawed, but is not justice as we know justice in Scotland.



I wonder what Richard Keen QC thinks of it all?

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According to Bill McMurdo's blog (either today or yesterday) the SFA are trying to build bridges with Rangers. Exact opposite of what Leggo saying here.

Remember, do the SFA & SPL not owe Rangers about £3million between them ? CG will no doubt want to recover that money(money which I doubt the SFA & SPL have) by whatever means even in a court of law which would have dire consequences for Scottish football would it not? could UEFA not suspend the SFA and scottish club sides and the national side get banned from European competetions as a result of Rangers pursuing the SFA/SPL in court action ?



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According to Bill McMurdo's blog (either today or yesterday) the SFA are trying to build bridges with Rangers. Exact opposite of what Leggo saying here.

Remember, do the SFA & SPL not owe Rangers about £3million between them ? CG will no doubt want to recover that money(money which I doubt the SFA & SPL have) by whatever means even in a court of law which would have dire consequences for Scottish football would it not? could UEFA not suspend the SFA and scottish club sides and the national side get banned from European competetions as a result of Rangers pursuing the SFA/SPL in court action ?




Yes FIFA can take that action, I believe.

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