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Charles Green and Co met the fans at Ibrox

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Sales were only that high because we manufactured our own strip. He's havering, or showing a lack of understanding of our accounts if he is using that as a target. As for the profit that year it wasn't published but did it really jump from 20% in 2004 to 27% in 2005? Very doubtful.


I was going to comment on this.


£5.6m profit, yet the £3m pa. from JJB was thought to be a great deal.


Someone is pulling legs.

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I'd hope most Bears, ESP the Bears on GN will never believe a thing any Rangers owner or Chairmen etc says until the fat lady sings, till the day you drop off this planet


I'm not going to be complete cynic and refuse to believe someone on principle, no.


Rightly or wrongly I like the guy and am comfortable with him.

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I'm not going to be complete cynic and refuse to believe someone on principle, no.


Rightly or wrongly I like the guy and am comfortable with him.


"Comfortable" is a good word and where I am. I'm sure most of us with a bit of Savvy will have an eye on him though. Obviously there's people on this page far more savvy than me and can dissect what he says into a simplistic form for doughnuts like me to understand :)

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"Comfortable" is a good word and where I am. I'm sure most of us with a bit of Savvy will have an eye on him though. Obviously there's people on this page far more savvy than me and can dissect what he says into a simplistic form for doughnuts like me to understand :)


An eye on him sure, but nothing leads me to believe he's going to wreck us like the last two, even if he's getting a bit over excited with some of the marketing potential.


End of the day we'd not be happy if he wasn't engaging with fans like this.

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An eye on him sure, but nothing leads me to believe he's going to wreck us like the last two, even if he's getting a bit over excited with some of the marketing potential.


End of the day we'd not be happy if he wasn't engaging with fans like this.


I totally agree. He isn't here to wreck us. He's getting on in life and I'd guess he will be loving this. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for him, he may not have realised that when he initially got involved, but I'd bet my bottom dollar he does now.


I think he'll be loving it, the reaction from the fans, and the hate from the shitpigs combined will give him the extra adrenalin boost to take this head on.


At times he does get over excited, he has said things that we won't see, but its not going to drag us into the dark ages if it doesn't happen.


He has stabilised us, he has got the fans on a high, but there is still a long way to go

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Folk also need to keep in mind that sometimes plans don't always end up as initially thought....


CG's would like to pull in £20m (or whatever)...but may only get £5m - does that then make him a liar???


would make him a fool.


I actually wouldn't call him a liar. he just shovels so much bullshit a fair amounts not going to come true.

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