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Scottish Football Civil War

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By Bill McMurdo



Dermot Desmondâ??s lauding of Rangers FC as a â??fantastic club with a great historyâ? on Wednesdayâ??s Scotland Today provided good fare for Rangers fans sitting down to their dinner, just as it took the shine off Celtic fansâ?? celebrations of their teamâ??s first win away in the big cup since the Cold War.


Shrewdies among the Gers support, however, sensed that Kaiser Desmondâ??s words were not just off-the-cuff remarks that torpedoed the fantasies of Celtic fans who claim Rangers are a new club.


Sharper Rangers fans sensed we were getting the spin from DD toward a specific objective, one which favours himself and the team he holds a major shareholding in.


So why would Dermot Desmond be seeking to butter up Rangers, while at the same time risking instigating the ire of the Celtic support?


Why does Dermot Desmond do anything?


To make money and to protect his investment.


That is what Dermot Desmond is â?? a hard-nosed businessman who hates nothing more than losing money.


Dermot Desmondâ??s investment in Celtic may look fairly safe but the storm that has arisen in Scottish football is imperiling the Desmond money long-term, particularly as this storm could become a monster hurricane if it boils over.


Dermot Desmond doesnâ??t look at Scottish football as a fan but as an investor.


And it is clear he doesnâ??t like what he sees.


No-one will appreciate more than Dermot Desmond the power of the Rangers pound. Yes, he knows Celtic can survive without it but Dermot Desmond is not looking to survive, but to thrive.


I think it is entirely likely that Desmondâ??s overtures towards Rangers and the clubâ??s fans are part of a new initiative to bring Rangers back into the fold via reconstruction.


I am informed that the SFL proposed league reconstruction to the Professional Game Board at the SFA last week but these proposals were shot down by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster.


The proposals included an expanded SPL, play-offs in all divisions and a fairer share of TV revenue.


My understanding is that it was not the structure of the proposed league setup that is the problem, but that the balance of power in Scottish football would clearly be seen to be shifting in favour of the SFL.


In essence, David Longmuir and Jim Ballantyne are now realising they have the strongest hand in any reconstruction talks and are letting the cabal know it.


Proof of this is that apparently Peter Lawwell is trying to woo David Longmuir by having private meetings with the SFL Chief Executive. The two met on Monday according to my sources.


Clearly things are changing at the top of the game in Scotland but Regan and Doncaster are holding on defiantly to their positions.


On top of this my understanding is that at least two SPL clubs may be about to split ranks and, needless to say, there is only one possible home for any club who takes that course.


In short, Celtic â?? who needed nobody a few months ago â?? apparently need all the friends they can get now.


Which might explain The Kaiserâ??s glowing endorsement of Rangers the day after one of Celticâ??s most historic wins.


Desmond sucking up to Rangers wonâ??t please the Celtic support.


And my mentioning his nickname of Kaiser wonâ??t please them as the Kaiser was, of course, the biggest Hun of all.


Maybe more and more Celtic fans will join their fellow supporters in boycotting Parkhead.


Meanwhile, Rangers fans need not fear the attempts of Peter Lawwell to sweet-talk David Longmuir.


I am sure that David Longmuir doesnâ??t do sporting integrity.


Not the kind practised by clubs in the â??topâ? flight of the game.


The kind that benefits one club.


Well, until now, that is.


â??Sporting integrityâ? has ruined the SPL.


And the SFL is the winner.


Some Rangers fans may bristle at the notion of league reconstruction which could give Rangers a yearâ??s â??leg-upâ? through the divisions.


I took that purist view myself.


But the harsh reality is that Scottish football needs reconstruction and, if it means that David Longmuir is the man running the entire league setup, it gets my vote.


I am sure that most Rangers fans would agree with me in saying that any league reconstruction that has Neil Doncaster at its head is a definite no-no.


One thing is for sure.


As time goes on, the SPL teams will get increasingly desperate.


And the stark economic reality of Scottish football will become more and more apparent.


A reality that an old shark like Dermot Desmond knows only too wellâ?¦


That Rangers are the financial engine on which Scottish football runs.




Rangersâ?? great history â?? as endorsed by Dermot Desmond â?? is celebrated in the brilliant new song by Sammy King.


Get it here:-



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