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Leggoland - RTC And The Daily Record

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DAILY RECORD editor Allan Rennie wants to meet the anonymous Celtic supporters behind the controversial Rangers Tax Case blog.


And it seems he may even be on the brink of offering them a blog on the Daily Record web site, while promising to preserve their anonymity.


It is all there to see in the latest communications between Allan Pussy Rennie and the Rangers Tax Case bloggers, one of whom is believed by many to be shamed lawyer Paul McConville.


McConville was hit by a Law Society ban earlier this year which ruled that he can only be allowed to continue to practice under the supervision of the Law Society.


He was previously a partner in a Glasgow City centre law firm which was involved in complaints from clients over compensation payments, a story which was covered extensively by Scottish newspapers, including the Daily Record.


Now comes this latest outrage from Allan Rennie whose failure to stand up to Celtic when they banned veteran sports writer Hugh Keevins for writing critically about Peter Lawwell, earned him the derisive nickname of Pussy among Record reporters.


Then that Pussy Rennie cave-in to Peter Lawwell was followed by the rotten Record editor allowing columnist and BBC Radio Scotland show host, Tam Cowan, to write a column defending BBC Scotlandâ??s recent two appalling attacks on Rangers and manager Ally McCoist, one of them on the show Cowan co-hosts with self confessed football hooligan Stuart Cosgrove.


But his latest display of poor judgement has now put him on the same sort of collision course with newly militant Rangers supporters as the one which forced Sun editor, Andy Halfwit Harries into a u-turn over his plans to serialise Philmacgiollabhainâ??s book.


And it could lead to an organised boycott of the Daily Record by Rangers supporters. Any boycott would leave Pussy Rennie with a lot of explaining to do to the Record money men.


My information is that there is fury on the Record editorial floor over the way Pussy Rennie has performed since taking over as editor earlier this year.


Celticâ??s all powerful chief executive Peter Lawwell banned Hugh Keevins and Pussy Rennie did nothing.


Under-fire Scotland manager Craig Levein banned Record reporters and once again Pussy Rennie did nothing.


Rangers were disgracefully attacked by BBC Scotland and Pussy Rennie allowed Tam Cowan free rein in the Record to defend his employers.


Now Pussy Rennieâ??s obsession with Twitter and his plan to meet and maybe even employ the Celtic fans behind the Rangers Tax Case blog, while preserving their anonymity, could be the last straw and lead to journalists revolting against their out-of-his-depth editor.


A man they see as having been promoted way beyond his extremely limited ability.


Journalists at the Record also see the fact that Pussy Rennie has gone on to Twitter and begged the anonymous Celtic men behind the controversial Rangers Tax Case blog to meet him as just another example of a middle aged man who does not fully understand the dangers and implications of Twitter conversations.


There is outrage that Pussy Rennie has even gone public and on the record on his Twitter account and admitted that he is willing to collude with the cowards behind the Rangers Tax Case blow and keep the identities secret.


He has also hinted, again on Twitter, that he may offer them a chance to peddle their anti Rangers propaganda on the Daily Recordâ??s own official web site.


But now the cat is out of the bag and Allan Pussy Rennie is about to learn just how foolish he is being. Almost as crazy as Andy Halfwit Harries was.


And we all know how badly that turned out for the Scottish Sun and Halfwit Harries.


This latest piece of editorial mismanagement at the highest level inside the Record could now turn out even worse for the Daily Record and its Twitter obsessed editor, Allan Pussy Rennie.


Which is a shame. For the Daily Record has led the way in the Rangers story, right from the moment it exposed Craig Whyte's shady dealings.


But that was before Allan Pussy Rennie became editor.

posted by leggoland @ 08:10

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What I find uncomfortable is the fact that he openly despises the majority of his colleagues. Not sure if this has anything to do with his professional position or his stance as a Bear.

I suspect a lot of the former and a little bit of the latter.

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