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Slightly concerned about feedback from Green's NI trip

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What we should do is get a Crown colour chart, blindfold Charlie and get him to throw a dart.


Whatever colour it hits is what colour the away strip will be. Jim Bowen himself could commentate.


If it randomly lands in orange then no-one can accuse us of anything.


If it randomly lands in blue we're fucked cos obviously that would be the same as the home strip. "Nothing in this game for two in a bed."


If it randomly lands in green....

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I know that the connection is strong and I know how an orange strip would be percieved by a lot of people, but I've got fundamental issues with that perception.


The post from Anchorman about the old Rangers LP (from before I was born) and the inclusion of the song "Orange Lilly'o" reminded me of the fact that I bought my mum a couple of bunches of orange lilies this year, but the symbolic nature of orange lilies to some people doesn't mean anything to others. I actually bought them for my mum because for some reason I remembered that my gran and papa used to like orange lilies or I had a vague recollection of my mum telling me when I was very young that's why she had orange lilies in the garden. So to me orange lilies have a purely sentimental value and their other symbolic meanings and connotations have no bearing on my flower or plant purchasing decisions even although I do obviously know that other people view them in a completely different light so to speak.


The idea of an orange Rangers top is a bit like that for me too in the sense that if one was released by the club as part of our 3rd strip, I would be fully aware of the symbolic nature and the connotations, but I would buy it for other, far more personal reasons and for me it would just be because I genuinely like the colour. But then there's probably not too many artistic people (I'm artistic) out there who don't like the colour orange, so I would at least know in my heart that I'm not alone!


It funny you recalling that story Zappa - I was just thinking back to my wee granny and my parents and there were always orange lillies around and this was Bridgeton! One day when I was a kid my wee granny walked in with an emerald green jumper on and I was taken aback. I said "granny why have you got a green jumper on? (knowing full well she was a right wee bluenose)" I will never forget her response - she put her arm round me and said "son it's a green stem that grows the beautiful orange lilly". Could be taken a couple of ways I suppose but I liked when my wee granny thought she was being all profound. In saying that she did tend to get beyond herself. Like the day when there was a bit of bother going on down at the bottom of the street and she came in all excited saying that the "Polis have put a big accordian up right roon the place" (it's the orange bands I blame for that mistake :-)

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I wasn't aware Freud dealt in the bleeding obvious, and those words I quoted were yours - no? Oh wait (read on.....) "I dragged you down to my level"....aahhh right. You pesky kids - I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you......

Aw dinkums - why are you resorting to personal insults? After you telling me off for that very thing and all....

Oh and by the way I'd stick a wee top on if I were you....you'll catch your death standing about like that......all that gay talk going on as well on earlier posts. Can't be too careful!


I thought it was too subtle for you when I typed it and I was right you didn't disappoint, well done.


Now you've got your class issues resolved and when you stop trying to picture me semi-naked how about addressing the issue at hand, for someone so sure of your ground you've gone kinda quiet on that score.

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I wasn't aware Freud dealt in the bleeding obvious, and those words I quoted were yours - no? Oh wait (read on.....) "I dragged you down to my level"....aahhh right. You pesky kids - I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you......

Aw dinkums - why are you resorting to personal insults? After you telling me off for that very thing and all....

Oh and by the way I'd stick a wee top on if I were you....you'll catch your death standing about like that......all that gay talk going on as well on earlier posts. Can't be too careful!


That made me laugh

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