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VB exclusive - Harper MacLeod / SPL collusion

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Having established that we are the same club therefore the legality of the proceedings, it is no longer in our interests to fail to represent ourselves at this hearing, in fact it is critical that we do, especially in the light of the point made that the conduct of the SPL is not relevant at this time but may become so in the future.


Secondly, I think we can rule out financial sanctions which would require the SPL to go to court.


I agree. I didn't have time to wade through that document in depth but the main things I took from it are:

A) The SPL can't financially penalise us for the oldco's crimes (so that post a few weeks back about them fining us millions of quid seems to be nonsense).

B) The SPL clearly does have the power to overturn old results / strip titles as we are, in essence, no different from a relegated club. Much as I wish it was true, CG's statement to the contrary never sounded convincing to me, in the same way as his "Any player who doesn't TUPE is in breach of contract" didn't.

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Having established that we are the same club therefore the legality of the proceedings, it is no longer in our interests to fail to represent ourselves at this hearing, in fact it is critical that we do, especially in the light of the point made that the conduct of the SPL is not relevant at this time but may become so in the future.


Secondly, I think we can rule out financial sanctions which would require the SPL to go to court.


I agree that we should be represented and involved with the process but CG has to make the point that his company should not be punished for the alleged crimes of the previous one. It's like a fall back position should the shonky case get that far.

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Pray tell why are they waiting?


The only one to speak out is Traynor and all he had to say was its a simple administration error no cheating.


Because this is a major story, and the media would need to get their facts 100% or be open to litigation themselves.


The notion that the entire media are anti Rangers / pro SPL / pro Celtic and are complicit in a conspiracy to strip us of titles Is ludicrous. There are Rangers fans and independent journalists out there and they wouldnt just sit on this.

Edited by bigy
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There might be a way round this where Rangers interest are represented at the next tribunal hearing, without compromising the clubs refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy or the power of the hearings.


Could we not have previous share holders of the "Oldco" at the hearings with their lawyers, representing their own interest from having titles stripped.


Maybe the RFFF could look into funding the share owners of the Oldco to be represented?

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Because this is a major story, and the media would need to get their facts 100% or be open to litigation themselves.


The notion that the entire media are anti Rangers / pro SPL / pro Celtic and are complicit in a conspiracy to strip us of titles Is ludicrous. There re Angers fans and independent journalists out there and they wouldnt just sit on this.


There's a grey area here in that it's not fashionable to be seen as pandering to Rangers "zealots" by the media. Even if there are Rangers men in the media in Scotland (can only think of John Greechan) they have to abide by their editors direction. It is starting to look more and more like a Rod Mackenzie led crusade though...maybe the media aren't involved in it but the SPL, Harper McLeod and presumably Peter Lawell are.

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Because this is a major story, and the media would need to get their facts 100% or be open to litigation themselves.


The notion that the entire media are anti Rangers / pro SPL / pro Celtic and are complicit in a conspiracy to strip us of titles Is ludicrous. There are Rangers fans and independent journalists out there and they wouldnt just sit on this.


You keep believing that because I've seen nothing coming from the media in all this except Rangers bad bad bad. If this is such a big story and believe me it's the biggest story in the history of Scottish football you would think that any journalist worth his salt would be straining at the leash to be the first. This has been a stitch up from the word go and it will continue to be such until someone in the media points out just what is going on.


As for the 100% right it's never stopped them before and it won't stop them in the future. If there's one thing you can guarantee about today's press, truth is the least thing on their mind well it is when it comes to Rangers anyway.

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IMHO, the RFFF should hire their QC again t look into this and make a stand for e.g. a or a number of shareholders of the oldco. I for one have my doubts that Green's way of action, nor that of the admins/oldco is going to help us much. Someone has to deflate this SPL-Hooped Horror lawyer ... and thoroughly.


One thing Green is not is stupid he will have taken excellent legal advice before he basically told the SPL to f*&k off.

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SUNSPORT has seen documentary evidence that Hampden bosses asked Rangers to accept the loss of FIVE league titles and FOUR Scottish Cups.


The draft papers were given to Gers chief executive Charles Green at a top-secret summit this summer.


Top brass wanted Green to accept “EBT sanctions” in return for newco Gers getting the chance to be parachuted into Division One.


The package of punishments — instantly REJECTED by Green — would have stripped Gers of NINE major trophies won between 2001 and 2011.


They were NOT asked to give up any of their League Cup wins. Details of the offer, made during discussions involving Green, the SPL, SFA, SFL and administrators Duff and Phelps, emerged last night.


Had Green accepted the EBT sanctions, he’d have agreed to “(i) the withdrawal from Rangers FC, RFC and Sevco of the award and status of Champion Club (as defined in SPL Rules) of the Scottish Premier League for each and all of Seasons 2002/03, 2004/05, 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11; (ii) the withdrawal from Rangers FC, RFC and Sevco of the award and status of winner of the Scottish Cup for each and all of Seasons 2001/02, 2002/03, 2007/08 and 2008/09”.


Among a list of “Agreements and Undertakings” which Green was asked to accept were: “(i) accept and agree to be bound by each and all of the EBT Sanctions; (ii) the SFA and the SPL agree that no further sanctions will be imposed with respect to or concerning the EBT Payments and Arrangements; and (iii) RFC and Sevco shall not directly or indirectly make any claim and/or representation to have won any of the Championships and/or Cups which are the subject of any and all of the EBT Sanctions”.


It’s understood Green rejected the offer of EBT sanctions as Gers have still to be found guilty of any misuse of the Trusts. An independent commission appointed by the SPL will begin a hearing on November 13 regarding the alleged undisclosed payments.


HMRC is expected to announce the findings of its first-tier tribunal hearing on the EBTs within weeks.


Gers have already refused to co-operate with the former hearing.


And Green is facing an SFA charge of bringing the game into disrepute after claiming the process was “fundamentally misconceived”.


The leaked papers appear to add weight to Green’s assertion that a range of penalties have been considered before any guilt is proved.


SunSport has also seen an exchange of correspondence between HMRC and the SPL dating back to October and November 2010. Yet there was no official Hampden probe into Gers’ use of Trusts until earlier this year.


But with Green having already threatened to take his case to law, the emergence of the secret documents shows stripping of titles has been on the Hampden agenda since the close-season.


Earlier this month, Green said: “The club cannot continue to participate in an SPL process we believe is fundamentally misconceived.”


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4551484/We-see-secret-document-that-says-Hampden-beaks-wanted-Gers-stripped-of-9-trophies.html#ixzz27BCvp5Kr

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