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Union Bears Statement

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I don't really see how crowd surfing is bad behaviour anyway. Just a pathetic excuse for not allowing the move. Maybe reminding the older dudes of Woodstock and their hatred for those "goddamned hippies"?


It's probably my age and the curse of common sense showing here, but I think crowd surfing at Ibrox is completely taking the piss, especially considering the amount of people who've lost their lives in accidental crowd crushes in football stadiums over the decades. It's something that I don't think should be condoned because with so many people who've had a few drinks before the game, it's got the potential to cause a serious accident.

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I see where you're coming from mate. But there's so much stuff that can cause serious accident when you're attending a football match. I don't even think Mr. David is concerned about any safety issues here, it's just about trying to put the foot down for some reason and crowd surfing may have been the easiest target. "You can't shift sections because you engage in crowd surfing", this is stupid. It's taken place at concerts for ages without any harm done that I would know of. These guys in BF1 have been doing it for some time and probably know how to handle their crowd surfing.

Edited by DUDE
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Allowing crowd surfing could prevent a safety licence from being awarded. GCC would not need much excuse. It's one thing that has to stop.


However I'm sure it would be easy enough for TBO/UB to commit not to do it and I'm sure it's not the main issue.

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That's another issue Bluedell, thanks for clarification. If this jeopardises a safety licence it apparently has to stop and David seems to have a point there. But as you say, I don't think it's the main issue either. UB seem a pain in his balls for some other reasons.

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Charles Green Must Be Made Aware Of Police Intimidation At Ibrox


12 September 2012 14:27


Written by DarcheVinny



© Willie Vass


In case you haven't read it yet, earlier this afternoon the Union Bears released a statement and were disappointed and 'must inform the 500+ fans on our BF1 transfer waiting list that Rangers have decided to block our proposed move and expansion into the central sections of the Broomloan Front'.

You can read the full statement here, also on RangersMedia.

As well as stern criticisms of Ibrox security chief, David Martin, the statement also goes on to confirm that Rangers supporters are regularly and unecessarily being intimidated by Strathclyde Police on match day, both at Ibrox and away from home.

'Every week supporters in section BF1 are subjected to full body searches at turnstyles, every flag and banner being filmed before being allowed entry, intimidation inside and outside the stadium from stewards and Police as well as being filmed for 90 minutes by the anti-football unit of the police whilst individuals inside the club give details of our members to Police to add to their intelligence database. All this for daring to turn up and support our team.

Recently, supporters in section BF1 have also been told by Police to hold their season ticket up to a camera and state their name and address. Mr Martin didn't see any issue with this and assumes it's all in the interest of pursuing criminal investigations. This is of course is absolute nonsense. As David Martin interestingly informed us this week, there is more arrests and evictions in other areas of the stadium on a match day than in Section BF1. It's blatant intimidation of football supporters.'

This is a subject which has been bothering me for quite a few months now. This police intimidation is not confined to the BF1 section and I have been on the receiving end of - and witness to - unecessary intimidation from Strathclyde Police - as have hundreds of other supporters - at Ibrox in particular.

So what do we do? Who do we complain to? How do we stop this unecessary and unfair treatment of innocent and decent football supporters?

Supporting out team is not a crime, so why must we all be treated as criminals?

As I understand it, for a typical 3pm kick-off at Ibrox, the stadium is handed over to police from 1pm. From this point onwards Strathclyde Police are in full control of everything inside and outside of Ibrox, for the duration of the match.

Both SFA and SFL legislation states:

'A club shall take all such steps as are reasonably practicable to ensure the safety, good conduct and behaviour of its supporters on any ground. A club playing at its own ground or allowing its ground to be used for a match in which it is not participating shall also take all such steps as are reasonably practicable to ensure the safety, good conduct and behaviour of all spectators at that ground.

A recognised football body which is directly responsible for organising a match under its jurisdiction shall likewise take all such steps as are reasonably practicable to ensure the safety, good conduct and behaviour of spectators at such match.'

So in short, football clubs and football bodies have to ensure that supporters within the stadium behave themselves.

What happens if supporters do misbehave?

'Misbehaviour by spectators before, during or at the close of a match resulting from the failure of a club or recognised football body to take all reasonably practicable steps as aforesaid shall render that club or recognised football body liable to a fine or closure of ground or suspension or all of these penalties.'

The above explains why police are used by football clubs to control football supporters, before, during and immediately after a match. So I think it is fair to say that by paying for the police service, football clubs are taking all 'reasonably practicable steps' to control football supporters on match day.

From my reading of the legislation, it doesn't appear that the SFA or SFL demand that football clubs use the police specifically to control football supporters on match day - but I would be happily corrected if someone can tell me better?

This also probably explains why at 1pm - for a typical 3pm kick-off - Rangers hand over full control to Strathclyde Police. The police are probably the only option, when complying to the legislation quoted above.

So again, who do we complain to?

It would seem that Rangers' hands are tied. They have no option but to use the police. There are no other security firms that could deal with a football riot, if one were to happen at Ibrox?

You could complain to Strathclyde Police, but let's face it, that would be a waste of time. You would probably be better of contacting your local MP? Or Glasgow South West MP, Ian Davidson. You can find contact details for Ian Davidson, here.

Charles Green and Ally McCoist have both been extremely complimentary, supportive and grateful to the atmosphere created by the Union Bears and The Blue Order in recent weeks, yet how would they feel if these supporters groups continue to be intimidated by Strathclyde Police in this way and the atmosphere suffers, going back to the morgue-like silence we used to hear a few season's ago?

Not only that, how would Charles Green feel if supporters felt so intimidated by police on match day, that they choose not to buy tickets? That isn't going to help him achieve his goals as set out by the owners of the club.

Charles Green should be informed of this intimidation when it happens, be it to you personally, or something you are witness to. Charles Green needs to understand that his paying customers are being unecessarily hassled and intimidated by Strathclyde Police as part of their service to the club, to control supporters - a service Rangers are paying handsomely for?

I am not saying that Charles Green can directly influence the tactics used by police to control football supporters, but surely he could investigate these genuine and long overdue accusations that Strathclyde Police are intimidating and hassling innocent Rangers supporters, like you and I?

I know full well that freedom of speech no longer exists in Salmond's Scotland, but why should I have my clothing and scarf inspected, everytime I enter the stadium?

Why should I be filmed by police officers, when I have given them no reason to do so?

Why should police officers demand I tell them my name and address?

Why should I be treated like a criminal, even though I have not committed a crime?

We need your help, Mr Green.

Supporting our team, is not a crime.

Edited by Zappa
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It's taken place at concerts for ages without any harm done that I would know of.


Most of the crowd surfing taking place at concerts is being done in crowds standing on safe, level ground which doesn't have obstacles people can trip over.

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Most of the crowd surfing taking place at concerts is being done in crowds standing on safe, level ground which doesn't have obstacles people can trip over.


Right there's not just stairs, there's swing- up chairs in BF1 isn't it?

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