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Union Bears Statement

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Union Bears Statement


It is with great disappointment that we must inform the 500+ fans on our BF1 transfer waiting list that Rangers have decided to block our proposed move and expansion into the central sections of the Broomloan Front.


Despite positive discussions at the start of the season with the Ticket Office in which they said it wouldn't be a problem for them to accommodate this, it has now become clear that the Head of Security, David Martin, is not going to allow the move to happen. This was confirmed this week in a meeting in which he outlined his reasoning behind this decision.


Put simply, he believes that the behaviour of supporters in BF1 is not in the best interests of Rangers Football Club and often breaks numerous ground regulations. He believes that an expanded section will see an increase in this "behaviour" and will become uncontrollable.


We, of course, pressed him on what he believed these instances of bad behaviour were, but apart from the crowd surfing (something which is enjoyed by the majority of fans) he refused to name any others. It seems that supporting the team for 90 minutes at Ibrox is against the rules.


Mr Martin and Strathclyde Police have also decided to pin sectarian singing at away games firmly on the Union Bears and Blue Order, despite no sectarian songs ever being sung in BF1. It seems that investigation has gone out the window, and the powers at be have decided to pick on the most vocal sections of the support and are hoping for the best. This was another reason given for not allowing us our section move and expansion.


Every week supporters in section BF1 are subjected to full body searches at turntyles, every flag and banner being filmed before being allowed entry, intimidation inside and outside the stadium from stewards and Police as well as being filmed for 90 minutes by the anti-football unit of the police whilst individuals inside the club give details of our members to Police to add to their intelligence database. All this for daring to turn up and support our team.


Recently, supporters in section BF1 have also been told by Police to hold their season ticket up to a camera and state their name and address. Mr Martin didn't see any issue with this and assumes it's all in the interest of pursuing criminal investigations. This is of course is absolute nonsense. As David Martin interestingly informed us this week, there is more arrests and evictions in other areas of the stadium on a match day than in Section BF1. It's blatant intimidation of football supporters.


Despite all of this, our aim of expanding the section remains the same. The vocal fan scene at Rangers is growing bigger with every game. More and more supporters want to stand up, sing, bounce and enjoy themselves at football matches all the while providing unstinting backing to the Rangers team on the pitch. Over the coming weeks we hope to have meetings with the various supporter groups, and hopefully plans can be formed for those on our waiting list to get involved next season.


Once again, we apologise to all those on the waiting list but this is outwith our control. We need the support of the Rangers fans as we fight against intimidation and prejudice from inside our own club and beyond.


Rest assured we're going nowhere, we'll be back louder and more vociferous in our support than ever before.


Union Bears

No Surrender.

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  Juancornetto said:
I wonder if the Goon Brigade are subject to the same treatment at the Methdome?


You have to wonder how the Goon Brigade repeatedly manage to smuggle smoke bombs and pyros into the Broomloan when our own club's singing section in BF1 are subject to full body searches at the turnstyles.

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Who is Mr Martin? Does he have the usual football security background, ex-police? Control freakery gone mad.


The last game I was at I was directly above the BF1 and I don't recall anything sectarian at all. As a fully paid up handwringer I would have no issue saying if I had heard any FTPs or whatever.


They can only be referring to 'Super Rangers' with its forbidden line. As hard as it is to toe the line when being persecuted, drop that one line (not even the whole line) and what on earth can even they complain about? Glasgow accents?

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posted 2 yrs ago on RM


HOSG=Mr Martin

Time: Approx 5.45pm - 6.00pm or thereabouts.


Location: My 'pitch' opposite the JG statue.


In attendance: Yours truly, two Bears of my acquaintance from Norn'Iron, one of whom was holding aloft two match tickets he was trying to move on.


Oh.............and a Rangers programme seller not more than 10-feet from me.


The place was quite deserted save a few groups of hospitality bods wandering hither and yonder waiting for friends to arrive before they headed for the pre-match swally, when I noticed this tall figure approach - club tie, smart jacket and a 'UEFA' plastic badge visible on his person.


Thinking this might be one of the hob-knobs looking for a zine I turned to offer same when he spoke.


HOSG (Head of Security guy): "Eh......we'd like you to move!"


Me: Pardon?


HOSG: We'd like you to move away from the statue.


Me: Why?


HOSG: Just because we would. People congregate here and so on.


Me: Excuse me......but who are you?


HOSG: I'm the Club's Head Of Security.


Me: Is that right? And why, pray tell, would I want to move when I've been stood here for at least 16-years or more on the same spot. When your predecessor didn't ask me to move, nor the guy before him....in fact, I've been here long before the statue (memorial) was put in place? I'm breaking no Law, creating no disturbance. I'm not on Rangers' property and I notice there's a programme seller (with a metal box) who is even closer to the statue you're speaking about.


HOSG: I don't know about that, but you could move down a bit.


Me: Could I? And how far down are we talking?


HOSG: Look..........I'm politely asking you to move.


Me: Thanks for the offer, but I'm POLITELY declining your offer.


HOSG: (Now looking for some reason to 'get' somebody) Right! We'll see about that. You'll be hearing more about this.


Me: Is that a threat?


HOSG: He doesn't answer this last one and, looking flustered he steps two paces to my right and harasses the Norn'Iron Bear trying to move on match tickets.


He ended up taking the guy's name, etc. The Norn'Iron Bear stood his ground and after the HOSG (he never did utter his name) left the scene we all three decided this guy is a useless jobsworth fud.




A Champions League night in Glasgow when visiting Turkish fans are in town.


With the reputation 'some' Turkish clubs' fans have you would think the Rangers HOSG (Mr No-Name) would have more things to be concerning himself with.


My letter to Ibrox will reflect that

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