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Rangers statement on the stripping of titles

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They could fine us if they liked and that means we would have to take them to court. Same as title stripping.


Green and the new owners wouldn't pay their fine, so the only way they could fine us without having to take us to court is by blackmailing the SFL to take the money off us, but I doubt if the SFL will stand for any more bullshit from the SPL.

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Not sure I agree.


They could strip us of titles and we have also said good luck with that.


You suggested that if they fine us they would have to take us to court. But if they strip us of titles we would have to take them to court. I disagree.


They could fine us if they liked and that means we would have to take them to court. Same as title stripping.


I mean if they actually want the money.

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I mean if they actually want the money.


Agreed, the difference in process between stripping and fining is that with stripping they only have to declare it so for it to happen.


If they fine us we can say, "We don't agree this is legal, you're not getting any money." and they'll have to take us to court if they want it.

If they strip titles we can say, "We don't agree this is legal.", but we would have to take them to court to get it overturned...

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Green may even have been forced to agree not to take football matters to the court of session again because the SFA certainly wanted him to agree to that condition. Whether that condition was in the final agreement that was signed is another matter though, but if it was then we could be in big trouble if we go to court again.


Possibly but clearly under duress.

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“What compounds the breathtaking hypocrisy of the SPL in this whole saga, is that the SFA, the SPL and us - as the new owners - took part in numerous discussions regarding the new company’s league status during which it was made clear that a deal was there to be done where ‘the EBT issue’ would be dealt with as part of a package of sanctions which would be implemented in return for membership of the SFA and a place in the either the SPL or Division One. We do not accept that people who are willing to come to an agreement on such matters then have a right to instigate a full blown inquisition when matters do not unfold as they thought they would.


this bits interesting. is it suggesting that the SPL plans to recoup lost cash?

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The SPL refusing us entry when we are due to get back would create a backlash across the footballing community as a whole and we would have sporting recourse with either CAS or even UEFA. On what grounds would they prevent us from getting the promotion ? If they did then it would be deemed a restriction of trade. They would get hammered.

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The PSL refusing us entry when we are due to get back would create a backlash across the footballing community as a whole and we would have sporting recourse with either CAS or even UEFA. On what grounds would they prevent us from getting the promotion ? If they did then it would be deemed a restriction of trade. They would get hammered.


as would the sfa throwing us out over this. this could well be very clever stuff from Mr green.


though the other side will be working hard now to get back on top.

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Very true. But at least Mr Green is refusing to be a doormat, which is more than can be said for his two predecessors. How long it lasts is another story. And how long he CAN is another story.


But lets not be fooled, the goalposts in all of this have changed significantly since SDM was at the helm. The gloves have been well and truly taken off by the SPL and SFA. Which makes ity all the more difficult for Green to fight our corner. The SPL and SFA are thinking nothing of punishing us at will and blackmailing us with nonsensical and, at times, illegal sanctions - it is open warfare on our club and that, as far as I can tell, is unprecedented.


Charles Green is doing an admirable job of defending us in the face of incredible bullying tactics.


i quite agree. it sickens me when i hear and read fellow fans who cannot see this corruption or attempt to play down the hatred.


i have never known such widespread hatred and corruption but it should come as no surprise to anyone who is behind it all. it is as charlie says, bigotry and in more ways than one!

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Possibly but clearly under duress.


Absolutely, but that side of it is all speculation at the moment. We're really in the dark and we could seriously do with finding out (exactly!!!) what provisions/stipulations were on the legal paperwork for the transfer of our SFA membership. There was the leaked document from during the neverending negotiations, but that wasn't the final agreement and as far as I know we've never actually seen a detailed account of what was on the final agreement. The Club statements from when the deal was signed were a bit vaguer than they should have been (unless I missed something).

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