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Rangers statement on the stripping of titles

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I think that it is a foregone conclusion that stripping titles is the desire from the SPL here.


Why would we even think otherwise when we know that Doncaster and the other SPL chairmen are simply having their strings pulled by the puppet-master himself (no prizes for guessing who, and no prizes for guessing that his team stand to gain the most from such action).


Only in Scotland would this be accepted. It is preposterous.


agreed but the we all know we are the doormat of scottish football. we have no power and no influence. only one club are running the show in this country.

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Absolutely spot on! Green's taking it one important step further. As yet it's mostly been bloggers and supporters to adress these issues frankly, the CEO of Rangers calling a spade a spade now and exposing the hypocricy and malice of the SPL are a mighty good move and might help those in charge second guess their crusade against us.

Edited by DUDE
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agreed but the we all know we are the doormat of scottish football. we have no power and no influence. only one club are running the show in this country.


Very true. But at least Mr Green is refusing to be a doormat, which is more than can be said for his two predecessors. How long it lasts is another story. And how long he CAN is another story.


But lets not be fooled, the goalposts in all of this have changed significantly since SDM was at the helm. The gloves have been well and truly taken off by the SPL and SFA. Which makes ity all the more difficult for Green to fight our corner. The SPL and SFA are thinking nothing of punishing us at will and blackmailing us with nonsensical and, at times, illegal sanctions - it is open warfare on our club and that, as far as I can tell, is unprecedented.


Charles Green is doing an admirable job of defending us in the face of incredible bullying tactics.

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when we say you can't fine us good luck with that.


which we said today.


Not sure I agree.


They could strip us of titles and we have also said good luck with that.


You suggested that if they fine us they would have to take us to court. But if they strip us of titles we would have to take them to court. I disagree.


They could fine us if they liked and that means we would have to take them to court. Same as title stripping.

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Good statement. It sums up what most of us fans feel and we can all rally round it but it's a nuclear option with regards the SPL. Fast forward three years and assume we have won three promotions in a row and stand on the verge of re-entry into the SPL. What are they going to do after this? They already make up the rules to suit themselves and they might just abolish promotion-relegation altogether and keep us in Div 1 out of spite. Without league reconstruction, in principle, they could just keep us out and keep Celtic plugging away at the Champions league in perpetuity.


Perhaps I'm looking too far down the road but does anyone else have a view on this?

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Good statement. It sums up what most of us fans feel and we can all rally round it but it's a nuclear option with regards the SPL. Fast forward three years and assume we have won three promotions in a row and stand on the verge of re-entry into the SPL. What are they going to do after this? They already make up the rules to suit themselves and they might just abolish promotion-relegation altogether and keep us in Div 1 out of spite. Without league reconstruction, in principle, they could just keep us out and keep Celtic plugging away at the Champions league in perpetuity.


Perhaps I'm looking too far down the road but does anyone else have a view on this?


I've had these thoughts as well. But in my opinion we have to think about the doorbell when it rings. We can't take this kangaroo court now just to make sure the SPL isn't pissed at us for standing up to them and won't complicate our re- entry in 3 years. SPL would probably do anything to avoid re- entry, with or without us fighting back at this point.

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