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Rangers statement on the stripping of titles

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As I understand it (and I can't remember where I read it) is that RFC erred by not declaring to the SFA that the EBT monies were for image rights, not payment per se. Now that is a technicality but the way we are being pursued is simply vindictiveness and that should be a matter for legal authorities. Could we not just go direct to the Council for Arbitration in Sport where the action of the SFA could be shown up for what it is. UEFA doesn't like clubs using legal redress but there is surely a precedent here in that we have already been punished for going into admin. - a far more draconian punishment than is normal, and our lawyers could argue that this latest threat goes against natural justice.

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I have been wondering since I read this what actual evidence CG has about the malign influence of certain SPL clubs. To make such a statement would need to be backed up by facts or hard copy evidence rather than supposition. If that is not the case then it is something that will be seized upon by our enemies to discredit him. I can only assume that he must have evidence or it wouldn't get past lawyers.

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I have been wondering since I read this what actual evidence CG has about the malign influence of certain SPL clubs. To make such a statement would need to be backed up by facts or hard copy evidence rather than supposition. If that is not the case then it is something that will be seized upon by our enemies to discredit him. I can only assume that he must have evidence or it wouldn't get past lawyers.


It seems to be the clubs that are pushing for the investigation, so he is on safe ground.

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