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Bill McMurdo - The Divided Land

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Only paranoid people think Black got boo'd for being a Rangers player.


Still waiting for you to justify how MOST of the crowd were Hibees. Until then, it is more than plausible that it was becausee Black plays for Rangers, especially when the HEARTS player webster played... and another ex-Jambo Berra played too.


If the crowd was mostly Hibees why no booing of those two players ? Just because it is Black ? Is Black really that much disliked ala Lennon ? Or is it his Rangers connection.


You call it paranoia, some of us call it a logical conclusion.

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Only paranoid people think Black got boo'd for being a Rangers player.


Only stark raving lunatics think he didn't. No one can adequately explain why other jambos didn't. And you're argument about it being to do with the type of payer he was holds no water. Fans don't care what type of player someone was, just who he played for.


Edit: Again craig says it first and better.

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You call it paranoia, some of us call it a logical conclusion.


I'd call it inevitable. If another current Rangers player had been brought on at Easter Road in the same game I'm almost certain he'd have been boo'd too, whether he was a hearts/ex-hearts player or not.

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I've already explained my thoughts on why Black was boo'd. If you're not going to read what I type then I'm not going to type it again.


As for the crowd being majority hibs fans, I think it is pretty obvious that when the national team visits your stadium, and especially clubs starved of success, then the 'home' fans will more than likely want to go to the game. Not that that would necessarily need to be the case for the Hibs fans to boo Black.


All it takes is a handful of idiots to boo and it sounds worse (as in more people) than it actually is.


If, say Scott Brown, was playing for Celtic, and they fucked us in the SC final and Bwoony was celebrating and goading us at Hampden, then a few months later, Scotland were playing at Ibrox and Brown came on as a sub, are you telling me that no 'fan' at Ibrox would boo Brown?


'They hate us' is just paranoid rubbish, almost Timmy-esque.


Black was getting boo'd at Ibrox last season, was that because we 'pyoor hate Hearts' or because Black is a wee cunt who is the type of player that other teams fans love to hate?

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Guest Lloret1972
Bloggers are attention whores, pure and simple.


And the same could be said about the likes of you who attack well minded and true Rangers supporters like Bill McMurdo (who, to his great credit gave us the catholic Mo Johnston).


People like you don't want to recocgnise the propaganda war that is being waged against Rangers, its fans and protestant Scotland in general by well placed and influential enemies in the media and professional classes - encouraged and supported by the bishops of the Catholic church.

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I've already explained my thoughts on why Black was boo'd. If you're not going to read what I type then I'm not going to type it again.


Oh we are reading it, just very few of us agree. I think it says more about you than us.


As for the crowd being majority hibs fans, I think it is pretty obvious that when the national team visits your stadium, and especially clubs starved of success, then the 'home' fans will more than likely want to go to the game. Not that that would necessarily need to be the case for the Hibs fans to boo Black.


So let me get this straight...


Hibs, who have had home attendances this season of 9.637 and 12,887 in a stadium that holds 20,421 - with the 12,887 being against their fiercest rivals.... are going to attract 11,110 for a Scotland game ? I, for one, dont buy it.


In my recent experience fans have far more loyalty to their club than their national team, in Scotland at least.


But you are suggesting that the crowd was MOSTLY Hibs fans, with not a shred of proof to substantate that. The fact that Hibs have been starved of success has absolutely NOTHING to do with them attending a Scotland game, that is a ridiculous suggestion IMO. So Hibs will get 9,500 for a game against St Johnstone but most of their fans will make up the attendance in an 11,000 crowd for the national team ? Personally I think that is nonsense. There would have been Gers, Celtic, Hearts, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd andd many other clubs fans there and, probably, non-football fans too given it was in the capital.


Yet you still believe that MOST of them were Hibs fans, and that was why Black was booed. Your prerogative, but there is more circumstantial evidence that it was the fact he plays for Rangers than your suggestion that the crowd was filled with Hibees who happen to only hate one EX-Jambo. Why would they give a shit about an EX-Jambo but not boo another EX-Jambo or, indeed, a CURRENT Jambo.... see, it is difficult to see the logic in what you say when there is a more than plausible alternative.




All it takes is a handful of idiots to boo and it sounds worse (as in more people) than it actually is.


There should have been ZERO booing. I dont care if it was a handful, the guy answered an SOS call from the nation's manager and all he wanted to do was play for his country. I really wonder about the intelligence of some people when they find it reasonable to boo their own coming ONTO the pitch. Would that be considered constructive if that happened in today's game ? And you can bet it would have had he played today.


If, say Scott Brown, was playing for Celtic, and they fucked us in the SC final and Bwoony was celebrating and goading us at Hampden, then a few months later, Scotland were playing at Ibrox and Brown came on as a sub, are you telling me that no 'fan' at Ibrox would boo Brown?


I am nowhere near as convinced as you are that this would happen.

'They hate us' is just paranoid rubbish, almost Timmy-esque.


I take it you havent been watching the SFA and the SPL try to systematically dismantle us this year then. You carry on believing what you will, while the rest of us will look at what is REALLY happening out there and see it for what it is. The fans of EVERY other SPL club demanded that their team vote us out of the SPL - I suppose you also think that was based on Sporting Integrity rather than hate and jealousy.....


And if that is the case then no amount of debate will change your mind because you refuse to wake up to the anti-Rangers agenda that is clearly there.


Black was getting boo'd at Ibrox last season, was that because we 'pyoor hate Hearts' or because Black is a wee cunt who is the type of player that other teams fans love to hate?


No, Black was getting booed because he crocked Jelavic with an horrific tackle and then when substituted against us made some hand gestures that werent appreciated. But I didnt see him do any of that to too many of the other SPL teams players or fans, did you ?

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I've already explained my thoughts on why Black was boo'd. If you're not going to read what I type then I'm not going to type it again.


We've read your thoughts and demonstrated why there's a more than fair chance you are wrong. If you're not going to read that then we cant help you.

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Are all these bloggers mentally ill?


Leggo and now this. Both middle age idiots spouting sensationalist crap trying to appeal to the lowest rungs of society. I've stayed in Glasgow all my days and just don't see this divide that McMurder is talking, then again I'm not in the OO and don't base my decisions on religious backgrounds.


The SFA, for as long as I can remember, is a shambles. Their decisions might be strange sometimes but there is no evil plan to destroy Rangers.


The Scotland support is made up of the whole spectrum of Scottish football fans, arguably, there will probably be more Rangers fans in the Scotland support than any other team.


Ian Black getting boo'd was because he was a Jambo and the game was at Easter road.


If these bloggers spent as much energy exposing Whyte instead of fabricating conspiracies and trying to fracture an already disjointed national game, then we might not be in SFL3.


C'mon Scotland.


Hopefully we can beat the Serbs and then for Murray to beat Djokovic in the US open final (if he beats Berdych first!)[/quote [/color]


I disagree with your assessment of the Ian Black situation. I believe it was precisely because he plays for Rangers that he was booed. Levein had stated he would not pick 3rd Division players, feeding the Rangers haters who vented their annoyance at Black choosing to play for us. That is my opinion on that one.


The Rangers fans are very bitter about the SFA's shocking handling of the situation, the onslaught against us from so many other teams and the lack of support from the media and many do not feel inclined to join with these people at Hampden. I can't say I blame them. Personally doesn't affect me.


There is an agenda against Rangers. We have been portrayed as sectarian for so long that that is how we are seen and therefore fair game for everyone to attack. It doesn't matter what the club or supporters say or do we are attacked. It is up to us to fight back and defend ourselves and send out a very clear message. Bill McMurdo et alia are doing just that and a fine job of it with odd exceptions. I may not agree with all of his article today but that is fine, because that is his opinion and I have mine.


Since when did being middle aged bar you from having an opinion?

Edited by Blue Moon
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