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Bill McMurdo - Kafflicks And Proddies

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Do you honestly believe Saddam Hussein and Gaddaffi gave a fuck about religion. They just used it to gain power.


You control the religion you control the people, do you think the crusades was just because everybody fancied living in Jerusalem at the same time.


Do you think the last ten years has been about America trying to rebuild Afghanistan?


It's been about Christian America giving it back big time to the Muslim East.

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You control the religion you control the people, do you think the crusades was just because everybody fancied living in Jerusalem at the same time.


Do you think the last ten years has been about America trying to rebuild Afghanistan?


It's been about Christian America giving it back big time to the Muslim East.


That is exactly what I said religion is just the vessel not the cause. People are just like any other animals you have a leader and the rest are just sheep that follow the pack.

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Do you honestly believe Saddam Hussein and Gaddaffi gave a fuck about religion. They just used it to gain power.


No they didn't. Hussein and Gaddafi were Socialists and used anti-colonial feeling to gain power, religion wasn't a big issue in their coups, pan-Arabism was a bigger ideal for both of them. Both Libya and Iraq were fairly secular under those two.


It's got little to do with this thread I know.

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No they didn't. Hussein and Gaddafi were Socialists and used anti-colonial feeling to gain power, religion wasn't a big issue in their coups, pan-Arabism was a bigger ideal for both of them. Both Libya and Iraq were fairly secular under those two.


It's got little to do with this thread I know.

What is Pan Arabiaism? Just another word to get the sheep to follow which is also covered in the grey area of religion. If they preached anti islam they would have been chased.

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Do you think the last ten years has been about America trying to rebuild Afghanistan?


It's been about Christian America giving it back big time to the Muslim East.


Just an opinion here and not a statement of fact, but I don't think it's really been about that at all Allan. Most of the wars in recent decades have actually been about controlling and profitting from resources such as oil, gas, metals, minerals and even plant harvests used for drug production (such as opium from Afghanistan).


There are exceptions to that though. Any key cities or coutries in the middle east which have a massive biblical or historical context in religions are also a cause of trouble and war in themselves due to their significance. I'm not just talking about Israel and Jerusalem here either because it stretches far wider than that. Lebanon and Iraq are good examples of modern day countries with very significant historical cities, sites and meanings. They're the home of many hidden treasures..... It just so happens that somewhere like Iraq (and some parts of surrounding countries) regarded as "the cradle of civilization" and home of the ancient Sumer, is also an area rich in oil and other resources, so controlling it is a bit of a win win situation to people who don't care about the lives of the common man.

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What is Pan Arabiaism? Just another word to get the sheep to follow which is also covered in the grey area of religion. If they preached anti islam they would have been chased.


No, not really, not all Arabs are Muslim. It was/is a form of Arab nationalism, in Hussein and Gaddafi's case it was inspired by Nasser and was quite powerful as it manifested itself as anti-colonial. Nasser kicking the British and French out of Egypt was massive in the Arab world and he was lionised throughout the Middle East because of it.


I kind of feel I'm splitting hairs with you here and I don't mean to, I was simply pointing out that the two dictators you mentioned rarely used religion to cement their power, indeed both were keen to keep the zealots in check. It's one of the great ironies of both their overthrows.


If you are interested - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Arabism

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"There ye go, ye've got all the tims onside, nice article, hope yer happy. Muppet!"


Just reading your sig and was thinking about the guy that replied to one of my spoof articles saying "wind yer neck in ya clown". :D

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Just reading your sig and was thinking about the guy that replied to one of my spoof articles saying "wind yer neck in ya clown". :D


You need a thick skin and a sense of humour to write for any Rangers website.

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