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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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I'll give him his due, he's good at researching stuff.


Has he given up on hating Green though? Haven't seen any anti-Green posts in a while


IMO Leggat Like most Rangers fans are holding their breath on Green, we are slowly letting it out at the moment as Green seams to be steering the club into calmer waters. I just hope we don't have to take another gulp of air in the coming months. But having met Green twice out and about with his meet and greet around Ibrox on match days, i like what i see.

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IMO Leggat Like most Rangers fans are holding their breath on Green, we are slowly letting it out at the moment as Green seams to be steering the club into calmer waters. I just hope we don't have to take another gulp of air in the coming months. But having met Green twice out and about with his meet and greet around Ibrox on match days, i like what i see.


If Leggo has shifted his position on Green to "wait and see", that's still a massive climb down!


He was calling him a "proven liar" and a "snake-oil salesman" just a couple of weeks ago.


The rational position is to say the jury's still out on Green at the moment. It all looks good so far - but there's still a lot that's unclear about what's going on and who's involved.

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Lifted from FF:



This was picked up on Twitter



He has a thread about him on the Tioocfaidh ar la board


Don't think they like or trust him






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Re: The Rebel Fantasist Losing Fans

« Reply #30 on Sept 8, 2012, 3:40pm »



Yep, but he's not the first to sell his soul to the devil and he won't be the last.


Since his departure from TAL and later AP/RN (which he ingratiated himself into by claiming to have been the editor of TAL) he has been trying to reinvent himself and rewrite his own personal and political history. However, this is not the first time that Phil has indulged in a process of 'reinvention'.


The name change from White to MacMadeUpName came after the 1987 General Election and his dubious role as a member of the SNP (he tried to involve Irish republicans in a group that he euphemistically called the 'Provisional SNP') in the East End of Glasgow, which saw him being doorstepped by the press and publicly denying all Irish republican political affiliations.


The last 15 years has seen him hiding away for most of that time, cultivating political, press and state connections, as well as leaning upon personal friendships among republican politicos and militarists when he saw fit. The danger for those republican activists that he has maintained ties with is the cultivation of links with the police in Ireland and Scotland, which he now openly acknowledges.


Also during this period, he has gone out of his way to point the finger at republican activists whom he believes to be assets of the British state. I won't repeat some of the tall tales that he has told in relation to some of the leaders of republicanism, political and military; suffice to say that if it were true it would turn political republicanism entirely into an agency of the British state.


Again, this finger pointing is not new either. One of the reasons that TAL severed connections with Phil around 1994 is because we became suspicious of his motivation in deliberately and consistently picking fights with the largely politically ineffectual Scottish republican movement. This involved accusing their members and associates of various crimes and nefarious activities, as well as using the pages of TAL and the Irish Post to ridicule them politically.


In essence, he deliberately fomented a feud between TAL, Red Action and Scottish republicans, then ****ed off to Ireland once we started to examine his actions more closely. The mistake that we made was not to follow his activities in Ireland more closely and to make the republican movement more aware that his input in Scotland had directly led to the disruption of our political activities and to needless feuding with unnecessary enemies.


To add insult to injury he was even using our name to ingratiate himself with Sinn Fein. This is something we became aware of only about 5 years after he had ****ed off to Donegal when we were asked (separately) by folk from Belfast, Donegal and Dublin, "Is Phil still the editor of TAL?" Not only has he had no practical involvement in TAL since 1994, the position of editor was one that he never held.


In 1994 I was suspicious of him as being an agent provocateur because of the political damage he had caused us in Glasgow. I discussed his political activities with a republican activist that I hold in high esteeem and his conclusion was that Phil was more a 'fantasist' than a provocateur, but that the outcome in either case was often the same. His conclusion was that we should cut him adrift.


It's taken 15 years and a similar process of reinvention for him to re-establish himself. If anything, this Doctor Who style regeneration of himself in each decade of the last 3, is further evidence of his mental instablility, something that he has had to openly embrace in order that it does not become an obstacle to his intended career progression as a 'journalist and writer'.



** One thing that I am prompted to do is to go through the early issues of TAL and pick out ALL of the articles written by Phil and feature them separately on the TAL website/blog. There are a number of articles by him that refer to the rangers support which imho verge on the religiously sectarian and bigoted. These may be relevant to forming an opinion on the recent furore over his April blog article - The Incubator - that was cited by the Sun as one of the reasons why the serialisation of his book will not go ahead.





don't think Donegal is that safe for you, and we don't want you back



Note - the underlined bit is interesting as Talman frequently refers to us as Huns, himself

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Phil-3-names (soon to be four) will have to go on the run in Scotland away from his former Republican friends. How mixed up would that be? Confused Irish guy who's really Scottish, hiding in Ireland because of his mysterious dealings in Scotland. Then has to go into hiding back in Scotland because of his mysterious dealings in Ireland.


I'm fooking mixed up never mind mad Phil, no wonder he's confused.

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Actually, as opposed with "anything Hooped Horrors", this chap is writing and talking about Rangers. Thus, it should be of concern and we should take note what happens. Too long we had an all too lenient approach on this and the lizard became a full grown dragon spewing fire at us ... time to get the firebrigade out and - more importantly - never let it happen again. I would like to assume that once the current hatefilled crop of "journalists" is being dealt with, the generation after next will be somewhat "cleaner" in their reporting on us.

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I would like to assume that once the current hatefilled crop of "journalists" is being dealt with, the generation after next will be somewhat "cleaner" in their reporting on us.


I wouldn't put money on that dB.

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