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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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  amms said:
C'mon Biggordy everyone including Ian Paisley has 'cosied up' to Martin McGuinness, I'm no fan of Salmond but you can hardly criticise him for that, McGuinness is the deputy First Minister after all.


I'm no fan of any form of nationalism but to compare the SNP with Sinn Fein and the Nazi party under Hitler is stupid, that just makes you look ridiculous.


Hey Amms,

I backed up my crystal ball moment with some background of those involved. Their thoughts, their past, their agenda, their aspirations.

Who would have thought several years ago that alleged republican killer, Martin McGuinness, would be meeting the Queen as well as sitting in Government !!


BTW, The Hitler analogy could easily have been the story behind the rise of any leading politician, ie. it doesn't just happen overnight.


I don't have a crystal ball, but neither do you.

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  Thinker said:
I agree that we as a club should crack down a bit more on the anti-social behaviour that a minority of our fans exhibit.


Do you really think that is going to happen? Personally, I doubt this could be a realistic wish for ANY football club on this planet. There's always a fraction of fans, for some clubs it may be bigger and for some it may be smaller, who will attend games to have a few, cause a ruckus and watch a bit of what's happening on the park in exactly that order.

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  Thinker said:
I think we're all a bit on edge and slightly paranoid at the moment -the conspiracy theories start to sound more and more plausible.


However, I think it probably is true to say that a combination of "positive" discrimination and croneyism has lead to a bias in the media and, to an extent, the authorities.


Is croneyism not conspiring to do something?

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  DUDE said:
Do you really think that is going to happen? Personally, I doubt this could be a realistic wish for ANY football club on this planet. There's always a fraction of fans, for some clubs it may be bigger and for some it may be smaller, who will attend games to have a few, cause a ruckus and watch a bit of what's happening on the park in exactly that order.


I don't think it'll ever disappear completely, but surely it's realistic to think it could be controlled a bit more and reduced?


All it would take is a bit more vigilance from the stewards.

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  biggordy said:
Hey Amms,

I backed up my crystal ball moment with some background of those involved. Their thoughts, their past, their agenda, their aspirations.

Who would have thought several years ago that alleged republican killer, Martin McGuinness, would be meeting the Queen as well as sitting in Government !!


BTW, The Hitler analogy could easily have been the story behind the rise of any leading politician, ie. it doesn't just happen overnight.


I don't have a crystal ball, but neither do you.


Actually anyone who studies history could have predicted McGuinness/Adams and co would end up in government and part of the establishment. It's a fairly typical journey for many terrorists as they get older. It had certainly happened in Ireland before as well as in South Africa, Kenya, Israel, Cuba, India, Pakistan and Algeria off the top of my head.


The situation Scotland is in today and Germany was in following WW1 are so totally different as to make your Hitler/Nazi analogy offensive. It can only be deliberately antagonistic on your part.

I'm no fan of Salmond or nationalism, there are plenty of areas you can criticise him on without resorting to nonsense.

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  Thinker said:
Croneyism means "doing your mates favours" doesn't it?


Jobs for the boys. (or bhoys in this case).


Yes, I understand that but is that not conspiring to get your pals in place or get "friendly" companies local authority contracts or mates elected to trade unions or to the council etc etc to a point where you have a highly disproportionate representation in many areas of life. It is a fine line between croneyism and conspiracy.

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  DUDE said:
Do you really think that is going to happen? Personally, I doubt this could be a realistic wish for ANY football club on this planet. There's always a fraction of fans, for some clubs it may be bigger and for some it may be smaller, who will attend games to have a few, cause a ruckus and watch a bit of what's happening on the park in exactly that order.


This is so true and I'm as guilty of ignoring it as anyone. I don't mean religious stuff btw, which has as good as died out in my experience at Ibrox. There's a few songs about King Billy either being on the ball or the wall (I don't know this song, or where it's from, tho I could guess) - I mean just not screwing the nut and not swearing like a trooper in the family stand or whatever.


But I did that too in the west enclosure when I was young so it's total hypocrisy to whine about it now. The point I'm struggling to make is that if I don't have the guts to tell the (admittedly pretty big) guy beside me to wrap it with the swearing when there's a row of 7 year olds in front of him, I can't criticise others.

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