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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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Actually anyone who studies history could have predicted McGuinness/Adams and co would end up in government and part of the establishment. It's a fairly typical journey for many terrorists as they get older. It had certainly happened in Ireland before as well as in South Africa, Kenya, Israel, Cuba, India, Pakistan and Algeria off the top of my head.


Spot on amms and in fact the list of coutries that could be used as examples is absolutely massive.

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Actually anyone who studies history could have predicted McGuinness/Adams and co would end up in government and part of the establishment. It's a fairly typical journey for many terrorists as they get older. It had certainly happened in Ireland before as well as in South Africa, Kenya, Israel, Cuba, India, Pakistan and Algeria off the top of my head.


The situation Scotland is in today and Germany was in following WW1 are so totally different as to make your Hitler/Nazi analogy offensive. It can only be deliberately antagonistic on your part.

I'm no fan of Salmond or nationalism, there are plenty of areas you can criticise him on without resorting to nonsense.


Would you get off your big high horse about Nazis, read the original post again and try to understand the analogy.

I could easily have used David Cameron, Gordon Brown or even Salmond himself.

Christ, i've even tried to spell it out for you, IT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH NAZIS !!! Nor is it comparing anyone to them !

I'll say it again for you. Forget I even mentioned Hitler.


A politician does not find themselves in power suddenly overnight.

A series of events have to occur in order to make it so.

I am trying to make parallels with what has been happening in Scotland for the past few years.


In football terms our Club has let those with certain agendas do and say what they like.

Now, due to our owners stupidity we find ourselves at the bottom of the pile with humiliation after humiliation heaped on us.

We have let lawwell etc. become dominant in Scottish football and they can pretty much do what they like to us.

Now we appear to have an owner who is prepared to stand up for the Club.


In society's terms we have the snp doing what they like calling all the shots despite only having 25% of the electorate voting for them.

We have a catholic religion who claim to represent only 15% of our population trying to tell the snp what to do.

No religion should have any mandate to be a part of a modern Government.

Despite only claiming support from 15% of the people they sure punch above their weight enjoying many influential positions.

Top law man for Scotland, former cfc ST holder, as was the previous one, and a dis-proportionate number of Glasgow Provosts being another example cfc.


The catholic religion has infiltrated many parts of Scottish society and it's high time they, and their vile IRA supporting athletic wing are brought to book for all their crimes and justice and fairness for ALL returns to Scotland.

The way salmond is acting sure doesn't look like a happy future for Scotland and it's 85% non-catholics.

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Spot on amms and in fact the list of coutries that could be used as examples is absolutely massive.


Would you say there is social justice and harmony in those countries you mentioned?

Have the "troubles" gone away in Ulster or is the lid just being kept on?

I don't live in Northern Ireland but from what I read there are many areas which are far from settled.


I've never prescribed the the "change must come through the barrel of a gun" philosophy as there is always deep seated resentment left behind.

The injustice felt from the Irish Potato Famine is still an issue several hundred years later.

I suggest terrorism is only a short term fix and cannot be part of any civilised society.

There will always be resentment against Adams and McGuinness, plus what happens if this American attained evidence comes to light?

Will we all just shrug our shoulders and move on as if nothing happened!

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Would you say there is social justice and harmony in those countries you mentioned?

Have the "troubles" gone away in Ulster or is the lid just being kept on?

I don't live in Northern Ireland but from what I read there are many areas which are far from settled.


I've never prescribed the the "change must come through the barrel of a gun" philosophy as there is always deep seated resentment left behind.

The injustice felt from the Irish Potato Famine is still an issue several hundred years later.

I suggest terrorism is only a short term fix and cannot be part of any civilised society.

There will always be resentment against Adams and McGuinness, plus what happens if this American attained evidence comes to light?

Will we all just shrug our shoulders and move on as if nothing happened!


I agree about the depths of division in Ulster. We went there a few years ago and were horrified by it, having believed the press that the troubles are over.

However, the roots of the problem go back much further than the famine.

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Would you get off your big high horse about Nazis, read the original post again and try to understand the analogy.

I could easily have used David Cameron, Gordon Brown or even Salmond himself.

Christ, i've even tried to spell it out for you, IT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH NAZIS !!! Nor is it comparing anyone to them !

I'll say it again for you. Forget I even mentioned Hitler.


You're right, you could have used David Cameron or Gordon Brown, only you know why you chose Hitler instead. I'll not mention it again.


A politician does not find themselves in power suddenly overnight.

A series of events have to occur in order to make it so.

I am trying to make parallels with what has been happening in Scotland for the past few years.


In football terms our Club has let those with certain agendas do and say what they like.

Now, due to our owners stupidity we find ourselves at the bottom of the pile with humiliation after humiliation heaped on us.

We have let lawwell etc. become dominant in Scottish football and they can pretty much do what they like to us.

Now we appear to have an owner who is prepared to stand up for the Club.


In society's terms we have the snp doing what they like calling all the shots despite only having 25% of the electorate voting for them.

We have a catholic religion who claim to represent only 15% of our population trying to tell the snp what to do.

No religion should have any mandate to be a part of a modern Government.

Despite only claiming support from 15% of the people they sure punch above their weight enjoying many influential positions.

Top law man for Scotland, former cfc ST holder, as was the previous one, and a dis-proportionate number of Glasgow Provosts being another example cfc.


The catholic religion has infiltrated many parts of Scottish society and it's high time they, and their vile IRA supporting athletic wing are brought to book for all their crimes and justice and fairness for ALL returns to Scotland.

The way salmond is acting sure doesn't look like a happy future for Scotland and it's 85% non-catholics.


Infiltrated? You mean elected?

Religions try and tell people what to do, that's kind of the point of religions I think. It's up to us to elect people who won't listen to them. The last time I saw a Catholic spokesman on TV he was damning Slamond and the SNP to hell over gay marriage.

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Would you say there is social justice and harmony in those countries you mentioned?

Have the "troubles" gone away in Ulster or is the lid just being kept on?

I don't live in Northern Ireland but from what I read there are many areas which are far from settled.


I've never prescribed the the "change must come through the barrel of a gun" philosophy as there is always deep seated resentment left behind.

The injustice felt from the Irish Potato Famine is still an issue several hundred years later.

I suggest terrorism is only a short term fix and cannot be part of any civilised society.

There will always be resentment against Adams and McGuinness, plus what happens if this American attained evidence comes to light?

Will we all just shrug our shoulders and move on as if nothing happened!


I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here Biggordy? I'm certainly not condoning what Adams and McGuinness were certainly involved in. Simply pointing out there was an inevitability about them becoming politicians and senior ones at that.


Does that stick in the craw for lots of people, absolutely. But what you gonna do? Societies that emerge from violence tend to take generations to settle down, there are exceptions but the reasons for the violence don't disappear overnight because a truce is called or one side wins. Northern Ireland is a far safer place today than it was 20 years ago but it's far from 'fixed'.

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Would you say there is social justice and harmony in those countries you mentioned?


I didn't mention any countries myself Gordy because it's a massive and extremely complex subject. The same goes for your question because terms like "social justice" and words like "harmony" are very subjective indeed and also take on completely different meanings for people in different countries.

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IT would not surprise me if anti-terrorist police, or even the Security Services, have the premises at 27, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DQ under observation.


For that is the address – freely available on the web – of Frontline Noir, the publishers who are behind Philmacgiollabhain’s tawdry book about Rangers which has been banned by the Sun.


The reason is not really regarding Philmacgiollabhain’s wild ramblings and fantasies which he passes off as a book, but because of Frontline Noir’s seeming obsession with terrorism and the bombers and activists within the Irish Republican movement so beloved of Scots born Philmacgiollabhain.


It is certainly a surprise to see a publishing company so seemingly obsessed with Irish Republic terrorist causes, based in the capital of Scotland.


I would have thought, Dublin, or near Philmacgiollabhain’s lair in Donegal, or even the Falls, would have been a more appropriate base for Frontline Noir, owned by a chap called Bob Smith Walker.


No matter! It’s a free country. Despite what the terrorists and their supporters think. Providing, that is, no front is being provided for any terrorist cells, or safe harbour for any supporters of terrorists cells.


But that is a matter for the Security Services and their colleagues in the police who specialise in investigating such alleged activities.


For the moment it is enough to turn our attention to what is known in the publishing business as Frontline Noir’s lists. That is, the books they have published.


That is a harder task than, for instance, finding the list of any major British publisher. For the the Frontline Noir website has been blocked.


Funny, that!


But as far as I can discover, stretching back to October 2008, Bob Smith Walker’s Frontline Noir publishing company has published the grand total of five titles.


Harper Collins they are not!


And not one of the books on the list I have uncovered is a sports book.


But there are two with terrorism as their theme. The first’s title is self explanatory. It is called, The Complete Encyclopedia of Terrorist Organistions.


Another has the title of Killing for Britain and is classified as being about political activism.


Then there is a third. One which is due to be published next month and whose author, Ciaran MacAirt, seems to believe it is somehow of interest to Celtic supporters.


Even though it has absolutely nothing to do with football.


This book is called The McGurk’s Bar Bombing and relates to an incident which took place in Belfast more than 40 years ago when the IRA terror bombing campaign was moving into top gear.


Ciaran MacAirt has his own blog and gives the impression of fitting the description of an Irish Republican conspiracy theorist.


So, you may wonder, what has that got to do with the team which is representing Scotland in the UEFA Champions League?


Especially, as Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell is well aware, UEFA frown on their competition being highjacked for political agendas.


Well, on a recent visit to Scotland, where he was the guest of the extremist Irish Republican IRA supporting, Cairde na hEireann, spreading his terrorist message, Ciaran MacAirt visited Parkhead.


How do we know? Because he told us.


And Ciaran MacAirt also told us that he also unfurled a banner. As I said recently, authors will do anything to sell their book.


Ciaran MacAirt also attended functions in the Plains area of Airdrie and in Coatbridge.


A march which had been planned was banned by the police who did not have the resources to police it as those resources were stretched by helping out in London during the Olympics.


This then is the sort of company Philmacgoillabhain keeps with the Edinburgh based Frontline Noir publishers, owned by Bob Walker Smith.


The sort of list Channel Four’s Alex Thomson has leant his name and support to. The sort of background which seems to so impress Brian Patrick McNally, who endorses Philmacgiollabhain.


That is the same Brian Patrick McNally who works for the Sunday Mirror, published by the same Mirror Group which publishes the Daily Record and Sunday Mail.


Not forgetting the wholehearted support Philmacgiollabhain consistently gets from his Donegal neighbour, Roy Greenslade, who uses (abuses?) his position as the Guardian’s media commentator to champion the cause of Philmacgiollabhain.


A Parcel of Rogues which who would shame any nation.


Though what they are doing in my nation is anybody's guess. Maybe Alex Salmond could ask them.

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