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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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The Sun has become increasingly celtic-orientated in recent years , like the Herald and the BBC , through celtic-minded journos reaching positions of influence within the paper . They are responsible for this campaign of covertly attempting to deliberately antagonise and isolate us and our club .

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The thing about this idiots book that doesn't add up to me is who exactly is this publication aimed at? I know the dhims will lap up his blog and these sordid wee extracts etc. but will they actually part cash to buy a book docmenting financial mismanagment at Rangers? I know they will have their wee laugh but why buy a book about it?


Imagine the shoe was on the foot and Celtic were in our position? Would you waste cash and buy a book written by a Rangers "fan" about the demise of Celtic? First of all I would be bewildered why a Gers fan would care so much about them and secondly I wouldn't wipe my arse with a celtic book never mind buy and read one?


This guy is an obssessed weirdo. Very strange....

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As someone who has been boycotting The Sun since 1986 I'm pleased to see others have finally seen the light too!


It seems almost unbelievable that this Phil person is being taken seriously these days, no wonder the press is fucked. I love the reason given for his name change, they taught me French at school but I didn't decide everyone had to call me Pierre.

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