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Ally: I want FIVE more

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ALLY McCOIST wants FIVE new faces at Ibrox before the transfer window closes on Rangers for a year.

Gers gaffer Coisty has admitted he faces a race against time to land his top targets before Friday nightâ??s deadline.


As SunSport revealed yesterday, Birmingham ace Morgaro Gomis is on Gersâ?? radar â?? although itâ??s understood wage demands could be a problem. Greek stopper Anestis Argyriou could agree a deal while compatriot Andreas Lampropoulos has become the latest Murray Park trialist.


Itâ??s understood Swede Daniel Larsson is also on Gersâ?? wish-list, although there is strong Russian interest in the striker too.


More trialists will arrive at Murray Park over the weekend as Coisty leads injury-ravaged Gers to Berwick tomorrow lunchtime.


He said: â??Weâ??re hopeful that we can get four or five anyway over the line before the window closes.


â??I need lots. I donâ??t know how many, but it is lots. Weâ??ve still got a few lads on trial and weâ??re hopefully going to offer something to Anestis.


â??But Iâ??d be really hopeful in the next three or four days that we can get bodies in. We need them.


â??There are no signings imminent but the wheels are in motion on three or four targets.


â??We havenâ??t had any dealings with Gomisâ?? club. Heâ??s a player we like but it would be unfair to speak about individuals.


â??Daniel is a good player and someone who played well against us last year in Europe with Malmo. Although heâ??s good I wouldnâ??t like to comment on somebody elseâ??s player.


â??Are the trialists a bit of a gamble? Yes. Youâ??re happier bringing in guys who have a track record.â?


Ex-Dundee United ace Gomis isnâ??t in the plans of new Birmingham boss Lee Clark but is believed to be on £12,000-a-week.


Heâ??ll now hold summit talks with Clark in a bid to resolve the situation.


McCoistâ??s need for new faces intensified as Maurice Edu headed south to seal his move to Stoke.


He has major injury concerns ahead of tomorrowâ??s trip to Berwick. Dean Shiels and Lee


Wallace are both doubts, while Kirk Broadfoot and Carlos Bocanegra face late fitness tests.




Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/leaguedivision3/4503916/Ally-I-want-FIVE-more.html#ixzz24VzS6Ekv

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Not only is it a job but lets not forget that he is currently plying his trade in the Championship - we are asking him to hit the depths of Scottish football, even if it is only temporarily, it is for AT LEAST one year.


We can try and big up Rangers all we want and suggest hero status (which is no guarantee, because if he doesnt perform he will be treated like a leper...)but there really is no way of bigging up the 3rd division.


We try to make us sound like we should be at the top of everybody's wish list of teams to join, but really ? In the 3rd division ? Not everyone will see the longer term perspective and who can blame them when they are potentially staring at 25% of their career moving up through the leagues of backwater Scotland ?

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