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"Why are we here?" - 11FREUNDE article

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  der Berliner said:
Will set our German Bears loose on that one. (Have you got a link or can give a date on that article?)


The current edition of 11Freunde with Boateng on the cover has a 'Glasgow Rangers' story featured on the cover; "Das leben nach den Tod" as they say in Lower Saxony.

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  der Berliner said:
Again, have you got a link?


It looks to be a personal opinion of a fan on some article et al ... and such rants can't be taken seriously. A St. Pauli chap perhaps?


Unfortunately I do not mate, sorry. It's in the current edition which came out yesterday, they don't seem to have put it on their website just yet. But yeah, it is a personal opinion of a fan on his life as a bluenose. I'd be more then happy to translate the whole article if anybody can be bothered to read it. It is just pretty long in total.

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According to some fellow Bear who had a glance at this: utter dross. By the looks of it a poor attempt of a Tim-version of Operation Tango, but unfortunately, the mag is known for haughtyness and placing irony ahead of facts. We'll let them know in due course.

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  der Berliner said:
the mag is known for haughtyness and placing irony ahead of facts.


That is very true. Anyway, this was never supposed to be a factual article researched by a journalist. It is made clear this is nothing more than a rant and opinions of a single person. Not meaning to defend his view, just for the record. Still think it's interesting to see how and moreover why somebody is pretty much turning against the Gers after all this.

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As I said - and without having seen it - it looks like a poor attempt by a Hooped Horror psoing as a Bear. All this garbage about us playing our "first game as a new club" ... somesuch would not come out of a Bear. All his ramblings about religious stuff too ... well well.

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