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The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium â?? Police Warning & East Stirlingshire

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The Louden will open tomorrow at 11am and will stay open until 9pm. We hoped to have completed the air conditioning this week but there was a holdup and hopefully will be completed next week. We have however put an emergency exit door at the back which should hopefully alleviate a good amount of the problem.


We are continuing to upgrade the pub and have been very pleased with the positive feedback. As you will find out tomorrow our new sign is in place and we have also added some memorabilia to the inside of the pub.


We had a conversation with the local licensing police this week. Overall they are delighted with the behaviour of the fans and the way the pub is being run in general. However, at the last game we had about 20 supporters singing the song â??Super Rangersâ??. Unfortunately one of the lines in song mentions the words â??****** b*stardsâ??. This was reported by police outside the premises and under current legislation this song is banned and, if continued to be sung on our premises, we could have our licence revoked. We cannot allow any songs that are deemed to be sectarian to be sung on our premises. We would therefore ask everyone to refrain from putting our licence at risk â?? we play music that brings a great atmosphere to the pub and there is no reason why everyone canâ??t enjoy themselves.


Sorry for rambling on but we canâ??t stress how important that it is that this problem is addressed. Just to be clear this about 20 people out of maybe 2000 people who come through the pub on a match day and we donâ??t want it to be spoiled for everyone





We Are The People

God Bless The Rangers

The Louden Tavern: More than a Pub

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This is as clear as clear can be - either change the offending portion, ideally by dropping any reference to them altogether, or have the song banned. I wish we could take matters into our own hands for once but as usual, no doubt we'll keep singing the forbidden version in order to battle Liewell/the SNP/handwringers until a fine and club statement sees the song banned entirely.

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Easy solved do not give our enemies any opportunity to cause us problems, so don't ftp , ****** etc. we now have a quality pub on our doorstep so lets not make it difficult for big Robert when we don't need to, and bit obvious but can't resist it WATP

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  54andcounting said:
'Super Rangers' is a great Rangers song and 'one' word apparently makes it sectarian....can that word not be changed to Septic? :whistling:


Exactly mate just change the one word, I have heard it sung with Rebel instead of ****** and it still gets the point across.

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  EDGE said:
I wish we were banned from singing about the mutants, that would be the easiest way to deal with it.


Stop singing about them, end of story.


Well "Super Rangers" is about us it only has one line about hating them, I'm sure we could change it to " we hate every c#^t shower of wankers" which gets shot of the Bheasts altogether.

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