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Dundee utd not been paid yet.

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The bit I find rather interesting is that they keep refering to the money we owe Rapid Vienna for Jelavic, however today is the first I've heard that the payment on that isn't due until October. Now I have a mortgage on my house, this obviously is a debt that I have, however as my payments are up to date on it there is no issue with that debt. Is it only Rangers that this idea does not apply to? I also love the inconsistant reporting from the BBC on the Dundee issue, they go from the statement on Monday that the SPL have the money and the fracas about them not wanting to play the clearing house role, to this ridiculous story today and not even a mention of the SPL involvement. They just get worse and worse every day!

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It is curious though. Dundee Utd must have some idea why they've not been paid, if indeed they haven't been. You wonder if they contacted Rangers after Green's statement and said 'what about us?' or did they simply send out a press release?


If they did the former and were given a reason then the statement is pretty poor form, if they didn't contact us then why not. If they did and didn't get a satisfactory answer then making a public statement is fair enough I suppose.


One thing is clear though, our relationship with Dundee Utd is clearly very poor. This is a matter that should be handled privately between the two clubs, not through the BBC. That it's not being tells us all we need to know about clubs in Scotland.

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The Scottish Premier League has yet to distribute cash to its member clubs and is unsure when it will be in a position to do so, BBC Scotland has learned.

Clubs were due to receive money from sponsorship and broadcasting revenues at the start of this month but have been told they will have to wait.

The delay is being blamed on cash flow problems resulting from the summer of uncertainty over Rangers.


The problem is also affecting the Scottish Football League.

It is due about £2m from the SPL for their annual settlement agreement.

Several clubs have already contacted the SPL to find out when they can expect to receive payment, but have been told they cannot be paid until the money comes in.


The SPL renegotiated its TV deals with Sky and ESPN after it was decided Rangers would start again in division three. But the league is still waiting for payment from those deals and a number of other top sponsorship contracts.


It is understood the SPL is hoping to make a payment of some kind this month but cannot give any specific date or figure.

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is the SPL insolvent?


The Sphell/SFA have been using the prize money withheld from Rangers from last season, plus fines and money used to pay off the old co debts. To keep this corrupt organisation solvent. That's why DUFC have not had their money owing paid over from the SPL.

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